Rossa Cuek Reads Haters' Comments On Him

JAKARTA - Sri Rossa Roslaila Handiyani, better known as Rossa, responded to the many haters comments on social media against her. The woman who started her musical career as a child singer saw haters would still comment negatively no matter what.

"Haters rest, that's right in my opinion," Rossa said in response to haters' comments, when met in Menteng, Central Jakarta on Thursday, August 10.

Rossa doesn't know for sure why haters are constantly making negative comments against him. He felt there was an error in some people in responding to the meaning of freedom of expression.

"Sometimes people are so free, maybe there are no limits and just talk about it," he said.

As a public figure who has had a career of more than 30 years in the Indonesian entertainment industry, Rossa invites people to prioritize positive and constructive comments.

"As a public figure, I'm very concerned and want to be able to invite people to comment positively or who can build it," said Rossa.

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Previously, Rossa had received bad treatment from netizens. Many haters criticized him for being considered to be the presence of Betrand Peto when he performed together in Malaysia.

Rossa, who at that time appeared to collaborate with Betrand Peto and Rizky Febian, was considered by netizens to pay more attention to Rizky Febian than the son of Ruben Onsu.

In fact, Rossa's video, which was judged by Betrand Peto, was re-uploaded by many accounts on various social media platforms.

After clarifying, Rossa also denied this assumption and reported several accounts which he considered to have created a misguided opinion.