Requirements For Application For The Latest BPJS Employment Mortgages In 2023

YOGYAKARTA - The soaring price of houses from year to year, makes many people struggle to fulfill their needs for housing.

In fact, residents can use the Home Ownership Credit (KPR) service to buy their dream residence with a credit scheme.

However, there are still many people who have not dared to apply for a mortgage.

The reason is that buying a house under the KPR scheme requires us to prepare a down payment in a large amount.

Trying to overcome this case, the Body of the Employment Social Security Organizer (BPJS) offers mortgage programs with several banks.

This facility can be enjoyed by all people who are included in the Low-Income Community (MBR) and non-MBR.

Then, what are the provisions and methods of submitting them? Follow the review below.

Understanding BPJS Employment Mortgage

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan offers a low-ranking mortgage program starting from 1%.

The BPJS Employment KPR Program is designed to support the One Million Houses program, which is a program from the Indonesian government.

Until now, BPJS Employment mortgages can be submitted through several government-owned banks, namely BTN, Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, and BJB.

Not only mortgages, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan also launched several other programs, including Housing Facilities Loans (PUMP) and Housing Renovation Loans (PRP).

This BPJS Employment KPR facility can be used for MBR and non-MBR with an optimal house price purchase of IDR 500 million.

Similar to ordinary mortgages, there are a number of provisions that must be met when applying for BPJS Employment mortgages, including:

In addition to the requirements above, there are also document requirements that must be met, namely:

After that, the bank will process all the required documents submitted and carry out the financial selection, and check the BI blacklist.

If financial problems are not found, the bank will continue the applicant's file to the BPJS office to obtain credit approval.

Funds will also be given to applicants according to the requirements of the channeling bank and OJK.

All the provisions and conditions above must be met, moreover when you want to apply for a BPJS Employment mortgage to buy a house, for example at Kurnia Puri Harmoni.

Or, it can also be done by filling out the KPR application form on this link, if you are interested in using conventional mortgages from several banks in Indonesia.

So after knowing the requirements for submitting the BPJS Employment KPR, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!