Still Very Rare, This Is A Country In Asia That Has A Fast Train

YOGYAKARTA Did you know that the existence of high-speed trains in Asia is still rare. Even the existence of high-speed trains can be counted with fingers. Then which countries in Asia have high-speed trains?

As is known, high-speed trains are rail transportation which has a much higher speed than traditional trains and implements an integrated system to special lanes. Given that the technology involved in the high-speed train is very large, it's no wonder that all countries in Asia have these facilities.

Through social media X Twitter, the official account of the Fast KA @KeretaCepatID had released a list of countries in Asia that have fast trains, one of which is Indonesia. The list of countries is as follows.

Negari Sakura is one of the countries that has public transportation facilities in the form of fast trains. Their base launched a high-speed train with the name Shinkansen on October 1, 1964. At that time, the train route served passengers from Tokyo to Osaka at a speed of 320 km/hour and with a duration of approximately 2 hours 25 minutes.

In 2004, South Korea successfully started their fast train operation with the Seoul route to Busan. At that time the speed of the train they built reached 330 km/hour. The train is named the Korea Train Express (KTX).

In the same year as South Korea, 2004, China also started operating their high-speed train. Even the route they have is referred to as the longest high-speed train track in the world because it reaches 37,559 km. China's high-speed train speed at that time reached 380 km/hour.

Please note, the Turkish region is on two continents, namely Europe and Asia. The country also has a fast train launched in 2009. At that time Turkey served approximately 72 million passengers on Ankara's trip to Istanbul.

Saudi Arabia's geographical condition, which is dominated by the desert, does not prevent the country's government from presenting high-speed trains. In fact, the fast train in Saudi Arabia can operate 50 times per day and transport Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. Saudi Arabia's fast train is named Haralamain Express. The train has a speed of up to 300 km/hour.

The Indonesian people should be proud because they have the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB). KCB Indonesia became the first high-speed train in Southeast Asia so that it was widely highlighted by the international community.

Indonesia's speed of fast trains reaches 350 km per hour so that it will shorten the distance between Jakarta and Bandung. It is planned that the operational schedule for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train will begin in October. Meanwhile, the high-speed train is currently still in the testing phase.

That's information related to countries in Asia that have high-speed trains. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.