Sultan HB X Prepares 'Sultan Ground' In Cangkringan Becomes Temporary Waste Disposal

YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X prepared land with the status of Sultanate or "sultan ground" in Cangkringan District, Sleman Regency as a temporary waste disposal site.

Sultan HB X at the Yogyakarta Kepatihan complex, said the use of the land was in line with the closure of the Piyungan Regional Final Processing Site (TPA), Bantul Regency from July 23 to September 5, 2023.

"(Based on, ed.) a coordination meeting a few days ago we temporarily provided land in Cangkringan," said Sultan as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 24.

According to Sultan, the 2 hectares of land targeted to function this week is specifically for the disposal of waste from Sleman Regency and Yogyakarta City.

The choice of land in Cangkringan includes, among others, being far from residential areas.

"It has been agreed, later administration. Anyway (garbage, ed.) can enter. Don't pile up. That will be what was thrown into Piyungan, while being moved there," he said.

Currently, he said, the local government is completing the construction of geomembranes so that lindi water does not pollute the environment around the land.

"So that later if there is water, it doesn't enter the residents' pools there. Maybe on Wednesday or Thursday the new garbage can enter," he said.

Sultan said that the management of waste in the Piyungan Regional TPA in the future will use the drying and presidential process.

For waste sorting, according to him, it can be done in Piyungan or partly resolved in districts/cities, before entering Piyungan.

"We are collaborating with KPBU to find potential investors for waste processing. Whether it's plastic, whether it's cardboard, whether it's cardboard, whether it's cans and we just press it. From the garbage that is on the Presidential Decree so that the water can come out, it can dry, later it will be cut into pieces, then we will talk about biomass," he said.

Assistant to the Regional Secretary for Economic Affairs and Development of the DIY Regional Secretariat, Tri Saktiyana, explained that the land in Cangkringan only functions as long as the Piyungan TPA is closed, considering that the location is estimated to only last up to 30 days of waste.

"The point is we prepare the land. I underline it, emergency land. Not forever, and maybe only enough for the calculation of the day, not the moon. This is an emergency step for Kartamantul, Yogyakarta, Sleman, and Bantul. We emphasize that district and city governments must reduce waste from upstream," said Tri Saktiyana.