The Number Of Perforcing Teeth In Children In Indonesia Is Still High, Parents Need To Pay Attention To This

SOLO - Regularly brushing your teeth from an early age can be one way to maintain the health of your teeth and mouth. This habit will prevent damage to your child's teeth as an adult.

Solo City Orthodonti Specialist Selly Amelia said dental care habits needed to be applied from an early age.

"We provide counseling about daily dental care at home, about children's dental care, the condition of children's teeth, and the practice of brushing together," he said at the Rotary Club social service with the theme Gigi Sehat, Happy Children in the context of National Children's Day 2023 in Solo, Saturday. He said counseling is very necessary because the level of careers or cavities in children in Indonesia is still high enough so it is necessary to pay attention to the health of children's teeth.

"Children aged 6-7 years should still have pretty good milk teeth, after that, they will be replaced with permanent teeth. But now usually they are 4-5 years old and have teeth in front," he said. He said. He said it should be diligent in getting used to children taking care of teeth, including asking children to diligently brush their teeth. "At least if children fall asleep parents can clean their children's teeth using cassava. That can be done," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, July 22. On the same occasion, President Rotary Club of Solo Kartini Enny Werdiningsih said the activity had been planned for quite a long time. "This theme was taken according to the classification in each Rotary Club member, each of them has his own skills. One of them is where we have a dentist," he said.

Meanwhile, President of the Rotaract Club of Solo Pakarti Islam Kusumawardani said that at this activity the children would be invited to create a poster with the theme Gigi Sehat, Happy Children. "How do you share what the children have learned here, make posters, can be affixed to schools, homes, and submitted to local friends," he said. he hopes that by making a poster containing a dental health message accompanied by an interesting picture, it can reach the public in general.