Vice President Hopes Leaders Of 2024 Election Results Win Regional Autonomy And Decentralization

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin hopes that elected leaders in the 2024 simultaneous elections are committed to encouraging regional autonomy progress.
This was conveyed by the Vice President in his remarks and directions at the Opening of the X National Working Meeting of the Association of Indonesian Regency Governments (Apkasi) in Tangerang, Banten, Thursday, July 20.
"I hope that the elected leader is a leader who is able to maintain his commitment to encouraging regional autonomy progress," said the Vice President.
He said regional autonomy and decentralization are the best choices for the country in managing government in order to bring public services closer, encourage regional development and revive quality local democracy.
He hopes autonomy will spur regional leaders to accelerate development in the region, increase prosperity and reduce inequality.
"Thus the decentralization and local democracy are fulfilled with full responsibility to make it more meaningful to the public," he said.
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On that occasion, the Vice President also reminded that every stage ahead of the 2024 General Election and Regional Head Election is no less important than the voting day.
Therefore, the Vice President asked district leaders and their apparatus to be alert in maintaining stability and security, before and until the implementation of elections and regional elections.
"Increase coordination and anticipate potential vulnerabilities that may arise so that elections and elections in 2024 can run smoothly, so that it becomes a process for the birth of transformative leaders, leaders who will manage the preparation of state and regional policies to bring in benefits for the people," he concluded.