Closing The DPR's V Session Period, Puan Alludes To Government Performance On Hajj Catering

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, explained the achievements of the DPR's performance with the government during the V Session Period for the 2022-2023 Session Year. However, Puan also provided notes on the services of Indonesian pilgrims in the Holy Land.

First, Puan said that the DPR and the Government had stipulated a Law on Health on Tuesday, July 11.

"The presence of the new Health Law is expected to improve health services for the people," said Puan closing the DPR's V Session Period for the 2022-202 Session Year in the Plenary Meeting Room, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, July 13, was confiscated by Antara.

Furthermore, he said, the DPR and the Government have formulated fiscal policies for the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for the 2024 Fiscal Year which is based on people's welfare.

"Fiscal policy in 2024 is directed to accelerate an Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation," he said.

Then, he continued, the DPR had determined the Draft Law on the Second Amendment to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages (RUU Desa) as a proposal for the initiative of the DPR RI on Tuesday, July 11.

"It is an effort to advance the economy of the village community, overcome the national development gap, and strengthen the village community as the subject of development," he said.

Puan said the DPR RI together with the Government and DPD RI have also prioritized the discussion of 13 bills which are currently still at Level I Discussions.

"And other draft laws that are included in the Prolegnas for the 2023 Priority Law Draft," he said.

During this trial, he added, the DPR had received a bill on accountability for the Implementation of the State Budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year.

"The plan will be discussed during the next trial. The DPR will ensure that the implementation of the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 has been carried out efficiently, transparently, and accountably by the Government," he said.

Finally, Puan said that the DPR through the DPR's Hajj Supervisory Team had carried out its supervisory function, both during the preparation and implementation of the pilgrimage. Also, it had touched on the government's performance in the services of the pilgrimage, including the catering menu served to the congregation.

"In general, the quality of organizing this year's Hajj has been quite good, but the DPR hopes that the Government can continue to improve services, especially those related to accommodation, catering, transportation, and health," said Puan.