KY Will Be The Ethics Session Of The Secretary Of The Supreme Court Hasbi Hasan, The Suspect In The Case Broker

Juru Bicara Komisi Yudisial (KY) Miko Ginting mengatakan pihaknya akan melakukan pemeriksaan etik terhadap Sekretaris Mahkamah Agung (MA) Hasbi Hasan yang telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dalam kasus dugaan suap pengurusan perkara di MA.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said Hasbi Hasan received bribes of around Rp. 3 billion to regulate the cassation decision of the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) (ID) case at the Supreme Court.

"Regarding KY's duties, even though HH serves as structural position as Secretary of the Supreme Court, he has the status of a judge," said Miko as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 13.

"This ethical examination will be carried out in due course, in a sense by respecting and providing space for the KPK to work," said Miko.

KY was emphasized to respect the law enforcement measures taken by the KPK in terms of the development of the ongoing process against MA Secretary Hasbi Hasan.

As from the start, KY encouraged and supported the KPK to focus on corruption issues in the judicial sector (judical corruption).

In addition, KY assesses that the Supreme Court is quite responsive in this situation. For this reason, KY supports all steps to improve the steps taken by the Supreme Court.

"KY is responsible for providing support and contributing to these improvement efforts," he said.

Therefore, related to strengthening the selection of the Secretary of the Supreme Court, Miko stated that a merit-based approach needs to be taken. One of them is by tracing the track records of the candidates.

"KY can contribute to tracing this track record, especially if the candidate has a judge background. KY believes that the input adopted will have a positive impact on the selection of quality candidates," he said.