Police Shoot Dead Salon Robbers In Medan

Medan - Medan Police team shot dead a sadistic robber operating in Medan City, North Sumatra.

"The perpetrator named BB, was shot dead by officers for trying to fight back when he was about to be arrested", said Medan Police Chief Kombes Valentino Alfa Tatareda, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.

The perpetrator of BB is one of the perpetrators of the robbery at the salon business on Jalan Flamboyan Raya, Simpang Pemda, Medan City.

In addition to the BB perpetrators who were shot dead, police officers also arrested four other perpetrators, namely AW, HN, FAW, and MN, as well as one perpetrator of confiscation of goods resulting from the robbery, IS.

"The results of the investigation of these perpetrators have eight criminal reports received by the Medan Police Criminal Investigation Unit", he said.

"In addition to taking action on Jalan Flamboyan Raya, said Valentino, these perpetrators also acted in a number of other locations, such as in a minimarket on Jalan Lintas Binjai - Stabat, Tandem Hulu II Village, Deli Serdang Regency, at Sri Gunting Street Housing, Sunggal District, Setia Budi Street and Dr Mansyur Street", he explained.

The Medan Polrestabes Satreskrim team who received a report on the robbery crime case immediately moved quickly to investigate and arrest the perpetrators.

The BB perpetrator was arrested in the Sunggal area on Sunday (9/7) in the early hours of the morning. However, when they were about to be arrested, the perpetrators fought back which endangered the lives of the officers by firing six soft guns at the officers.

"Officers who saw this immediately took measured decisive action regarding the perpetrator's chest and BB was declared dead", he said.

The police chief explained that the other four perpetrators were also given firm and measured action on their legs for trying to fight against the police personnel.

"From the results of the examination, the BB perpetrator is a recidivist and has undergone a legal process. The BB perpetrator was a curanmor recidivist in 2019 and was convicted. The evidence was secured in the form of two ai ersofgun weapons", he said.

According to him, the perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a threat of nine years in prison.