Muhammadiyah: Golput During The 2024 Election Does Not Solve Problems

Chairman of the Central Java Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) Tafsir said the white group (golput) in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) would not solve the problem.

"Muslims should not let the goal in the upcoming election. Golput does not solve the problem," he said in Magelang, Central Java, Sunday, July 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

He conveyed this in a grand tabligh entitled "Together with Muhammadiyah to Build Cadreization" held by the Head of the Muhammadiyah Branch of Bandongan District, Magelang Regency in raising funds for the construction of the local Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Building.

He called on Muhammadiyah residents to be actively involved in national political activities for the benefit of the people, the progress of Indonesia, and the organization.

Tafsir said the role that must be taken by Muhammadiyah residents in national politics as leaders in the executive and legislature and military leaders.

He said the election was very important and decisive for the progress of the nation and state because it was a leadership election that sat in the executive and legislature. Candidates must be selected to support the Muhammadiyah movement.

"Selecting leaders is mandatory. They are substitutes forwaty who have the task of managing the world and the hereafter," he said.

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PDM) Magelang Nasaruddin said the importance of penerging in Muhammadiyah so that his business charities could develop so that his party appreciated the construction of a mid-level building in Bandongan.

"We support the construction of the pederation building because with quality cadres, Muhammadiyah will develop and progress," he said.

Chairman of the Bandongan Muhammadiyah Branch (PCM) Syaifuddin Ahmad said that currently MBS has 25 male and female students.

"We need buildings as rides to produce Muhammadiyah cadres," he said.

He conveyed that a learning curriculum is needed in the treatment, so his party is compiling it while fortifying from outside Muhammadiyah.

Bandongan sub-district head Suroto said that sincere and complete good intentions in the construction of MBS must of course work together and together to realize ideals and expectations.

He said that in the past few months the construction had been carried out and the regent had also come to review. Hopefully, with the presence of MBS, we can get one place and be optimistic that the development carried out will run smoothly according to the plan expected by the committee.