Allegedly Performing Persecution, Artist Pierre Gruno Reported To Police

JAKARTA - Senior artist Pierre Gruno was reported to the police. He is suspected of molesting a man with the initials GDS at a bar in the South Jakarta area on Friday, June 30.

"At that time the victim was chatting with his relative at one of the bar tables. Suddenly, the perpetrator Pierre Gruno came to the victim and immediately beat him," said Fendy, a witness to the incident when contacted by VOI, Saturday, July 1.

Fendy said Pierre continued to beat the GDS. In fact, the victim had collapsed on the floor.

The trigger for this incident is not yet known but the two of them did not interact from the start. The reason is, they sat on a separate table while in the bar.

As a result of the beating, GDS, who was the victim, suffered lacerations to the head, under the eyes, right nose, and broken nasal bone. This medical condition is strengthened by the results of an examination at Pondok Indah Hospital (RSPI)," said Fendy.

"Currently (the victim, red) is undergoing outpatient treatment and it is possible that surgery will be carried out related to fractures in the nose," he said.

Not only that, but GDS has also reported Pierre to the South Jakarta Police. This report is registered with the number LP/B/1981/VI/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKSEL/POLDA METRO JAYA.

"(Reports, ed) are being followed up by related sections," he concluded.