Manage Bodies To Funerals, PPIH Gets Appreciation From Family

JAKARTA - Saudi Arabia's Hajj Organizing Officer (PPIH) received appreciation from the families of participants in the adhoc 5 sector. Where the officers took care of the body of Wariah Binti Sanidi, an 80-year-old resident from Karang Talun Village, East Java Province until the funeral.

"Hopefully our parents will husnul khatimah and be placed in heaven. As a family, we accept it with the decision of Allah SWT, because that is indeed the dream of my mother-in-law since in the country," said Samsudin Djamali Achmad Karjo, son-in-law of the late Wariah Binti Sanidi quoting Antara.

He explained that his father-in-law was initially healthy and even when he was in Medina he was able to perform Arbain worship or fardhu prayers within 40 times and could perform Umrah independently until the sa'i and tahallul were finished.

"Yesterday he also threw his own aqabah jumrah until it was finished and walked back to the tent. This morning my mother-in-law went to the bathroom. When he came out he suddenly started not feeling well, so his wife (the deceased's son, ed.) went to the tent until he finally died," added Samsudin.

According to Samsuddin, since his father-in-law's homeland, he has often prayed that he would die in the holy land, even when he was wukuf in Arafah, he also prayed that his way back to Him before returning to his homeland.

"It turned out that his prayers were answered and Allah gave the best for him," said Samsudin.

The chairman of the Adhoc 5 Sector, Mina Nur Arif Muhamad, said that as an answer to his party, his party helped tokoordonate and build communication with maktab officers and chlorary officers, so that the administrative process for managing the deceased's body went quickly and smoothly.

"After the deceased's body was picked up by ambulance to be evacuated to the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) Mecca, the body was buried at the Ma'la Cemetery, Mecca," said Arif, while appreciating all officers, including the Hajj Media Center (MCH) officer who had helped speed up the process. fardhu kifayah the Hajj participants died at Tent Tent Wanita Kloter 39 Surabaya Embarkation Maktab 34 Sector Adhoc-5 Mina.