Police Improve Patrols After Sweeping Action At Tlogomas Malang

Malang City Resort Police (Polresta) has stepped up a post-action sweep patrol carried out by a group of people on Sunday (25/6) night, in the Tlogomas Village area, Lowokwaru District, Malang City. Head of Malang City Police Ops, Kompol Supiyan, said the patrol carried out by Malang City Police personnel was aimed at ensuring the safety of the community in carrying out activities after the sweeping action. "We increase patrols. To provide a sense of security, after "That incident. We provide assurances to the public so that there is no fear, anxiety and worry about carrying out activities around the house," said Supiyan as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 26. In addition to increasing patrol activities carried out by a number of these personnel, his party also alerted approximately 120 joint personnel to guard at a number of potential points. According to him, a number of points guarded by joint personnel include one of them. private universities located on Telaga Warna Street, Tlogomas Village, Lowokwaru District. "The personnel we have prepared are a combination of approximately 120 joint personnel from the Malang City Police, Kodim and Satpol PP. They are around the campus and the Tlogomas area," he said. Malang City Police personnel guarantee that the security situation in the Malang City area must be maintained. If there are parties who interfere with the post-timax sweeping security situation, they will not hesitate to take action "We will enforce the legal process. The atmosphere is peaceful and safe in Malang City must be maintained. We will handle the law proportionally, decisively and measurably," he said. On the evening of Sunday, June 25, a group of people carried out sweeping in the Tlogomas area at approximately 19.00 WIB. The action was in the aftermath of a beating that caused a student from a private university to die. The case is currently being handled by The Malang Resort Police (Polres), considering the incident that caused a student with the initials KM from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to occur in the Malang Regency area. KM was found dead behind the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Karangploso District, Malang Regency, on Sunday (25/6) in the early hours of the morning. The victim was in one of the cafes in the Tegalgondo area, Karangploso District but was then beaten to death.