Google Bard Will Be Present In Indonesian

JAKARTA - Google Bard has recently become a hot topic of conversation because it is claimed to be the answer to OpenAI's ChatGPT, which is now its competitor. However, Bard in Indonesia itself can only be accessed through a browser and only has one language, namely English.

Regional Director of Indonesia and Malaysia Google Cloud, Megawaty Khie stated that currently, other languages are in internal development, including presenting Indonesian.

"Now we are internally 'DogFood', we try to make the translation right or not. We told our employees to study, try practicing the language," said Megawaty at the Google Cloud Summit 2023 event, in Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 8.

The term DogFood itself explains Megawaty, is a trial stage conducted by the Google employee itself to get feedback on new technology before it is launched to the public.

"Where our employees first order the latest technology, there will be feedback later. For example, what needs to be improved," explained Megawaty.

Even so, when asked when Bard will be available in Indonesian, Megawaty did not provide further information. "In the near future we will launch (Bard in Indonesian)," said Megawaty.

Meanwhile, Megawaty also stated that all Google products will integrate AI, including Google Workspace, to make it easier for users to work.

"Google Workspace is now internally using AI, so we will launch it to the public soon," said Megawaty.

Reported earlier, Bard has just gained a new ability to answer questions about mathematics.

Thanks to the execution of the implicit code, Bard was able to identify requests that might benefit from logical codes, write them down, execute them, and use the results for more accurate responses.

So, Bard will now create and execute Python code in the background whenever users ask questions that require computation, such as calculating the prime factor of a number, or turning the character series around.

"So far, we have seen this method increase Bard's accuracy of the response to computing-based word and mathematics in our internal challenge dataset by about 30 percent," said Bard Product Leader Jack Krawczyk and Technical Vice President Bard Amarnag Subramanya, in a company blog post.