The South Jakarta Peradi Conference Colored By Chaos, Disappointed Participants Are Prohibited From Entering The Building

The Regional Branch Conference (Muscabwil) of the Indonesian Advocates Association at The Tribrata Hotel, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta was marked by chaos. This happened because there were a number of participants who were not allowed to enter. The candidate for chairman of the DPC Peradi South Jakarta, Gontor Tobing, felt disappointed with the incumbent policy, in this Muscabwil. Because according to him, they disobedience against the National Leadership Council (DPN) by choosing members. "Wherever the data is used from the DPN, and that is quite unfair, here the incumbent as the DPC administrator who organizes this Muscab puts up a fight against what is under the authority of the DPN, dissidential to DPN," Gontor told reporters at the location, Monday, May 29. Gontor also assessed that the actions taken by DPC by being picky to the members could benefit the incumbent. In fact, the DPN who attended by being equipped with a letter of assignment, were still not allowed to enter.

"Ada dari DPN datang dengan membawa surat tugas, tidak dihawatkan sama sekali. Dan DPN-nya tidak boleh masuk," ucapnya. Atas dasar itu, Gontor menyebut Musyawarah Branch Persatuan Advokat Indonesia Jakarta Selatan ini, dianggap tidak sah oleh Dewan Pimpinan Nasional (DPN) "Dari DPN sudah mengatakan apabila tidak me heedi instruksi dari DPN, maka dianggap tidak sah, akhirnya kami menganggap Muskab ini tidak sah," tutupnya.