Two Girls Have Been Swept Away By The Cimandiri River Since Friday, The Joint SAR Team Conducts Manual Sweeping

SUKABUMI - Two girls drowned in the current of the Cimandiri River, Tegaldatar Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Friday, May 19. The search process was carried out by the joint Search and Rescue (SAR) Team.

The joint SAR team has conducted a search around the location of the sinking. The sweeping process is carried out manually due to constraints in sungi conditions.

"In the search for two children drowned in the Cimandiri River in Cibatu Village, Cikembar District, the SAR team was divided into two teams, where the two teams conducted manual sweeps on land (riverbanks), due to river conditions that did not allow them to use rubber boats," said the Head of the Sukabumi Regency Regional SAR Coordination Forum (FKSD) Okih Pajri Assidiqie in Sukabumi, Saturday, May 20.

According to Okih, the two teams conducted sweeps on two sides of the river, starting from the point where the two victims, namely NMI (8) and ALZ (8) were swept away by the current and drowned.

For the current weather conditions, it is sunny and the current of the Cimandiri River is sloping, thus supporting the joint SAR operation process and it is hoped that the two victims can be found soon. Sukabumi Regency FKSD personnel who were deployed were asked to be careful and focus on anticipating the victim's body stuck in the rocks.

His party appealed to SAR personnel who took part in this humanitarian action to remain vigilant, because the weather could change at any time and the river current was heavy or there could be flooding that could endanger the safety of personnel.

"The SAR team has been moving since morning at around 07.30 WIB and there are no obstacles during the search process. With the weather and river currents supporting it, we hope that these two girls can be found soon," he added, as reported by Antara.

Previously, NMI and ALZ together with three colleagues on Friday, at around 16.00 WIB played around the Cimandiri River. However, the weather changed drastically, which was originally sunny suddenly immediately rained heavily

In addition, the river current was suddenly swift. The two victims who were on the riverbank were suspected of not being able to get ashore and the tiny body of two students who were still in grade 2 of elementary school were swept away by the river current and eventually drowned.

Three fellow victims who survived the accident then went home and complained about what he had just seen to their parents and local residents. With this report, the community contacted security officers and soon Bhabinkamtibmas and Babinsa personnel arrived at the location along with SAR personnel.