Once Buried By A Landslide, The Train Line In Purwakarta Can Be Crossed

PURWAKARTA - After being buried by landslides due to heavy rains, PT Kereta Api Indonesia Operation 2 Bandung stated that the railway line between Sukatani Station and Ciganea, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, has been gradually handled and can be crossed by trains.

The Public Relations Manager of Daop 2 Bandung, Mahendro Trang Bawono, in Purwakarta, Saturday, said that the landslide material that disrupted train trips in the Purwakarta area since Friday (5/5) afternoon was successfully handled entirely on Saturday afternoon.

"At (Saturday) at 11.20 WIB, the downstream route was declared safe for trains to pass at limited speed after the landslide disaster at KM111+100, Purwakarta," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 6.

The first train that crossed the upstream route on the plots of Sukatani and Ciganea roads was the Argo Parahyangan train with the Bandung-Gambir connection on Saturday at 06.36 WIB.

Furthermore, the next train for the Argo Parahyangan train is the Gambir-Bandung connection which passes at 07.02 WIB.

Mahendro said that Daop 2 Bandung is currently making various efforts to restore the train lane at that location, so that it can be passed by KA at normal speed.

The landslide that occurred on the route between Sukatani Station and Ciganea, Purwakarta was due to heavy rains that occurred on Friday, May 5.

There were three avalanche points that had disrupted nine train trips.

The disturbances that occurred were landslides covering the railway line at KM 111+400, KM 111+200, and KM111+100.

Daop 2 Bandung apologized to all train customers who were disturbed by their journey due to the landslide that occurred in the Purwakarta area.

It was stated, for customers whose trips were affected, either because they were canceled or those who canceled their trips because they chose to use other modes of transportation, they would be given a ticket fee refund of up to 100 percent.