Profile Of Ronald A Sinaga "Bro Ron" A Man Who Dare And Challenges Criticism Erick Thohir Ronald A Sinaga, who is famous as "Bro Ron" on social media, is now busy again.

The man who is familiarly called Bro Ron often voiced "Bodat" for people who break the rules on the streets.

Previously, Bro Ron was often mentioned by Moge fans to fight lawbreakers.

Bro Ron also has a business in the construction sector and often shares that the winners of the tender are not in accordance with what is happening in the field.

Several times Bro Ron saw firsthand the asphalting of the road and often told that his asphalt class was very far away.

Now Bro Ron has gone viral and has come back to criticize BUMN with Waskita.

Bro Ron previously uploaded Erick not to take care of PSSI because BUMN has not finished well.

Ronal Sinaga is always loud to speak and on his social media his followers also agree. His criticism was also felt very honest even though it seemed scathing when he was heard.

Bro Ron asked entrepreneurs dealing with Waskita to take a stand because previously the Mayor of Solo, Mas Gibran, revealed that contractor workers have a lot of debt to buy food with a fantastic debt of up to tens of millions.

In full, Bro Ron or Ronald Sinaga Profiles are as follows:

Bro Ron is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Mulia Karya Sabat and PT Dunia Motor Internasional.

Previously, Ronald A Sinaga had traded cars in the United States. Famous through Instagram with comments regarding violations of motorcycle users, especially Moge users.

Having a PT named PT Sabat which focuses on construction services and often speaks up related to tenders that eat hearts because of poor quality.

Bro Ron in 2019 also went viral by sending an unusual wedding wreath with a debt bill to his colleague in Moge.

Bro Ron also had an exhaust import business a few years ago before becoming director of PT Sabat. In short, Bro Ron asked the infrastructure contractor who was the victim of the SOE's promise to move and take a firm stance.