Some Countries Start Making Artificial Intelligence Regulations, Here's The List

JAKARTA - Fast progress in artificial intelligence (AI), such as the ChatGPT supported by Microsoft, OpenAI, complicates the government's efforts to approve the laws governing the use of the technology.

Berikut adalah langkah terbaru badan-badan pemerintahan nasional dan internasional dalam mengatur alat AI, yang dikutip dari Reuters:


The government is seeking advice on how to respond to AI from Australia's main science advisory body and is considering further steps, a spokesman for the industry and science minister said in April.


Britain said in March that it plans to share the responsibility of AI arrangements between its regulators for human rights, health and safety, as well as competition, rather than creating new bodies.


Chinese internet regulators in April announced draft measures to manage a generating AI service, saying they wanted companies to submit security assessments to authorities before launching offerings to the public.

In February, Beijing's economic bureau and information technology said it would support leading companies in building AI models that could challenge ChatGPT.


Members of the European Parliament reached an initial agreement on the draft European Union's Artificial Intelligence Act, which could pave the way for the world's first comprehensive law regulating the technology.

The draft, to be selected by a committee on May 11, identified copyright protection as the center of efforts to keep AI under control.

Members of the European Parliament are competing to update the rules to pursue an explosion of interest in the generative AI.

In April, the European Data Protection Council, which brings together the national privacy watchdog in Europe, said it had formed a task group for ChatGPT, an important step that could pave the way for general policy on setting privacy rules on AI.

The European Consumer Organization (BEUC) joins concerns about ChatGPT and other AI chatbots, calling on EU consumer protection agencies to investigate technologies and potential harm to individuals.


France's CNIL privacy watchdog said in April it was investigating several complaints about the ChatGPT after its chat box was temporarily banned in Italy over alleged violations of privacy rules.

In March, the French National Assembly approved the use of AI surveillance videos during the 2024 Paris Olympics, despite warnings from human rights groups that the technology was a threat to civil liberties.


The digital minister G7 of developed countries said that the G7 should adopt risk-based regulations on artificial intelligence after a meeting to discuss AI technology on April 29-30 in Japan.


Generative artificial intelligence must be regulated, but regulatory agencies must figure out how to do it properly before rushing to ban things that "will not hold out well", the head of Irish data protection said in April.


ChatGPT is back available to users in Italy, a OpenAI spokesperson said on April 28.

Italy temporarily banned ChatGPT in March after its data protection authorities expressed concern over possible privacy breaches and failed to verify that users were 13 years or older, as requested.


Spanish data protection agencies said in April that they were starting an initial investigation into potential data breaches by ChatGPT. They also asked the European Union's privacy regulatory agency to evaluate privacy concerns related to ChatGPT, the agency told Reuters in April.


Senator Michael Bennet introduced a bill on April 27 that would create a team to look at US policies on artificial intelligence and identify the best way to reduce threats to privacy, civil liberties and legal proceedings.

Joe Biden's administration said in April it was seeking public comment on possible accountability measures for artificial intelligence systems.

President Joe Biden previously told science and technology advisers that artificial intelligence can help tackle disease and climate change, but it is also important to address potential risks to society, national security, and the economy.