Regarding Employees Prohibited From Using Hijab, This Is An Explanation From The Director Of Sarinah

JAKARTA - PT Sarinah (Persero) has opened its voice regarding the prohibition of company employees from wearing the hijab.

The Company emphasized that it did not issue the prohibition rules.

Sarinah President Director Fetty Kwartati emphasized that his party embraces every religious difference held at all levels of office.

Therefore, Sarinah has never issued a rule prohibiting the use of the hijab.

"So we in Sarinah are very capable of embracing Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Therefore, Sarinah does not have a policy regarding the provisions or regulations or prohibitions regarding the hijab for Sarinah employees," he told reporters, Jakarta, Monday, April 17.

Fetty said religious diversity does not only occur at the employee level. But also at the board of directors such as General Manager (GM), Vice President (VP), to Sarinah's board of directors.

So, our retail directors are also very diverse (diversified). Friends at the VP, GM, to admin employees, to the store are very diverse," he said.

One of Sarinah's employees, Ajina admitted that from the start she had used the hijab.

As long as he works there is no prohibition on the use of the hijab.

"I've been working for 1 year. Since the beginning, I've used the hijab. So it depends that children want to wear the hijab, there is no prohibition," he said.

For your information, the news about the ban on the use of hijab in retail and trade-moving SOEs was first revealed by Member of Commission VI of the DPR Andre Rosiade during a working meeting with Deputy Minister of BUMN II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, on Wednesday, April 12.

Andre admitted that he received complaints against using the hijab from Sarinah employees, especially those who worked at Sarinah Mall.