According To Netray, Anas Urbaningrum's Release Lowers Netizens' Negative Sentiments More

JAKARTA Anas Urbaningrum received a Leave Ahead of his release on April 11. Although he still has to do mandatory reporting for 3 months, the convict in the corruption case of the Hambalang National Center for Education, Training and Sports (P3SON) development project has been able to breathe fresh air, stay in touch with his colleagues and supporters.

Of course, the end of Anas Urbaningrum's sentence was in the public spotlight, especially regarding his relationship with the Chairman of the Democratic Party High Council, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Many social media activists believe Anas will reveal the riddle of the truth of the case that has ensnared him. If that happens, the popularity of the Democratic Party ahead of the 2024 General Election will automatically be threatened.

"The HAMBALANG corruption has not yet been COMPLETED, because Anas promised to reveal TUNTAS. Will the son of Cikeas be his BROKEN? Because his name has always been mentioned by Anas & Nazaruddin. Ready to PEPO go down again," tweeted the @Miduk17 account on April 11.

A similar narrative was also tweeted by the @rifqiazizian account which said Anas' freedom was a threat to SBY and the Democratic Party because Anas was considered a victim of the criminalization of the Hambalang corruption case.

So, it is not impossible that a new conflict will emerge within the Democratic Party later. The @ch_chotimah2 account says that the impact of the previous KLB still leaves a number of cases, according to him, now there are new problems.

The negative tweet, according to Netray Media Monitoring, dominates the conversation very much. Netray in its observations during the period 7-13 April 2023 found 8,498 similar tweets. Only 1,156 tweets were positive.

In the discussion, other topics emerged, such as Anas' promise to be hanged at Monas when he was proven to have committed corruption, not even a few Twitter activists involved Anies Baswedan's chances in the 2024 election.

During the monitoring period, the conversation about Anas being free from Sukamiskin Prison reaped an impression of 5.4 million reactions in Reply, retweets, quote tweets, and favorites. The conversation can reach up to 118.6 Twitter users in Indonesian," Netray wrote in its report on April 14, 2023.

On Twitter's timeline, Netray found 15,383 tweets interacting with the keyword "anasurbaningrum". The existence of tweets has emerged since the beginning of the monitoring period and began to increase on April 10 and 11, 2023.

In addition to monitoring conversations on Twitter, Netray also monitors conversations on the Facebook channel. A total of 81 accounts made uploads related to the Anas Urbaningrum topic. Talks were also found in 35page and 5 Facebook groups during the week of monitoring.

Facebook activists are known to have re-shared this conversation 553 times and produced 31.8 thousand Impressions in the form of 14.7 thousand dislikes, 3.7 thousand LAughs, 65 angry reactions, and so on.

The total uploads on Facebook related to this topic are 199 uploads which are divided into 44 uploads with positive sentiment, 138 neutral uploads, and 17 negative sentiment uploads.

The comments given on this upload reached 3.4 thousand. Negative comments also dominate with 2.1 thousand comments. While 746 comments were positive, and 595 comments were neutral.

Netray has found comments that have been talking about Anas since April 7, although it had subsided a few days later. The intensity of the comments then jumped dramatically and reached its peak on April 11, 2023," Netray wrote.

Uploads from the mass media page of the Solo Tribune became the most widely appreciated upload. Uploads of neutral sentiment containing Anas news gave a post-out-of-jail speech received 4,544 comments and 6,890 tickets.

After leaving prison, Anas Urbaningrum made a brief speech to his supporters. He conveyed that he was in good condition after serving more than 9 years in prison in Sukamiskin Prison, Bandung.

"I want to apologize. Sorry if someone thought I was in this place rotting to death, if anyone thought I was a physical and social carcass, I'm sorry, thank God it didn't happen," he said on April 11, 2023.

"I apologize if anyone thinks I've been here for a long time, if anyone thinks that the long time (of detention) can separate me from a friendly in arms, it's like sleeping in broad daylight," continued Anas.

In his statement, Anas also mentioned a large scenario that had put him in prison. According to him, given any scenario made in man, God's scenario must be superior.

"I want to think ahead. At the same time, sorry to those who thought that my exit gave birth to hostility, I said no. I don't have a hostile dictionary. If anyone feels hostile, that's a consequence of the struggle for justice," he added.

Anas Urbaningrum appeared in the vortex of the P3SON Hambalang corruption case after his name was mentioned in Nazaruddin's memorandum of defense.

"Mr. Anas Urbaningrum who decided that the winner in the Hambalang project was PT Adhi Karya, not PT DGI (Duta Graha Indah). The one who said that at that time was Mr. Mahfud Suroso (Director of Dutasari Citralaras,) who was a close friend of Anas Urbaningrum," said Nazaruddin while reading his exception on December 7, 2011.

According to Nazaruddin, the arrangement for the winner of the project is related to Anas' efforts to smooth the way as Chairman of the Democratic Party.

As reported by VOI, Anas Urbaningrum was elected Chairman of the Democratic Party on July 23, 2010 after competing with other strong candidates, namely Andi Mallarangeng and Marzuki Alie.

On February 23, 2013, Anas quit the position after the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named him a suspect. During the trial, Anas was found guilty of receiving gratuities of Rp2.21 billion from PT Adhi Karya, as well as Toyota Harrier for Rp670 and other gratuities.

The judge at the corruption court at that time stated that Anas was also proven to have received gratuities of Rp. 25.3 billion from Permai Group. From Nazaruddin himself, the judge stated that he was proven to have received Rp. 30 billion. Finally, the Corruption Court judge sentenced Anas to 8 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to imprisonment for 3 months.

Then in 2015, Anas filed an appeal. Instead of getting relief, the sentence was actually increased to 14 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 5 billion, subsidiary to 1 year and 4 months in prison, and compensation of Rp. 57.592 billion to the state. His political right to occupy public office was also revoked.

His efforts only succeeded during a review. The panel of judges reduced Anas Urbaningrum's sentence to 8 years. Meanwhile, other fines in the cassation decision remain in effect.