There Are No Gas Stations Along 64.5 Km Indralaya-Prabumulih Toll Road, South Sumatra, Homecomers Are Asked To Fill In Fuel Before Entering The Gate
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Sumbagsel appealed to Eid 2023 travelers to fill and ensure the adequacy of vehicle fuel (BBM) before entering the Trans Sumatra Toll Road for the Indralaya-Prabumulih section, South Sumatra (Sumsel).
"The effort was made so that the trip would not be hampered because the vehicle oil was empty, so it would be better to fill it up before crossing," said Sales Area Manager Retail for the South Sumatra Region of Pertamina Patra Niaga Sumbagsel, Sadli Ario Priambodo in Palembang, Friday, April 7, confiscated by Antara.
The company also conveyed the appeal using posters or banners in the area before entering the 64.5 kilometer or km Indralaya-Prabumulih Toll Road.
He said that the construction of the Indralaya-Prabumulih Toll Road had not been completed 100 percent so that facilities such as gas stations were not found when they were opened functionally for the 2023 Lebaran homecoming flow.
"As a reminder, the results of our last meeting with toll managers, this is also not on standby 24 hours," he said.
Nevertheless, he said the company was alerting a team of mobile fuel suppliers to bring 20 liter capacity jerry cans as an alternative to meet the needs of travelers.
"This 20 liter jerry can is used in a very urgent situation until travelers reach the nearest gas station at the exit of the Prabumulih Toll Road," he said.
The Indralaya-Prabumulih toll road is a new facility that will be functionally operated during the 2023 Eid homecoming and homecoming season in South Sumatra.
The toll road has a length of 64.5 kilometers connecting the Indralaya Intersection of Ogan Ilir Regency to Prabumulih City, plans to open functionally starting April 15, 2023.
The toll road is integrated into the Palembang Indralaya (Palindra) toll road which has a length of 22 km.
This toll road is part of the toll road to be built by Hutama Karya, Indralaya-Muara Enim along 121 kilometers.
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Previously, the travelers needed about three hours to cross the three areas from Jalan Lintas Tengah Sumatra.
So after there is a toll road trip it only takes about 30 minutes.
Because it is still functional, travelers have not been charged a fee or free when crossing the toll road.
New travelers are charged a paid tariff if they enter the Indralaya-Palembang toll road worth IDR 20,500.
To enter the Prabumulih Toll Road, travelers can enter from OKU and South OKU to Prabumulih to the toll gate in Karangan Village.
Then from the direction of Indralaya, to enter the toll road, it is not difficult to just follow the pointing board that has been provided by the manager.
However, at the beginning of its function, the route can only be passed during the day from 06.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB.
In addition, there are also sections that apply 'contraflow' or at two directions because one route is still under construction, precisely at KM 65 and KM 73.