What Is The Reason Why The Governor Of Bali Rejects Israel At AWBG 2023? This Is The Answer

YOGYAKARTA Indonesia plans to host the 2023 ANOC World Beach Games. However, the event was threatened with failure due to the refusal of Bali Governor I Wayan Koster who did not want the Israeli team to come to Indonesia. The reason for the Governor of Bali to reject Israel at AWBG 2023 has also drawn the spotlight.

Bali Governor I Wayan Koster has a reason why he rejects Israel at AWBG 2023, namely for constitutional reasons. He said that the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia was the basis for his rejection. In addition, he referred to the Regulation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Permenlu) Number 3 of 2019.

In Permenlu it is said that Indonesia has no diplomatic relations with Israel. In addition, the rules also stipulate a ban on raising or using flags, symbols, other attributes, and even the singing of the Israeli national anthem in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Those who prohibit raising the flag and the Israeli national anthem as an entity in Indonesia. So, I still reject Israel's presence in Bali, including at the upcoming ANOC World Beach Games," said Governor Koster in a statement received Wednesday, April 5.

As is known, the World Beach Games will be held in Bali from August 5 to 12, 2023. The competition is attended by athletes from various countries in the world, including athletes from Israel.

Israel's participation in the 2023 AWBG was questioned by the Governor of Bali. However, this rejection is not the first time. Previously, Wayan Koster also did the same thing at the U-20 World Cup even though Indonesia was the host. As a result, FIFA dropped Indonesia as the host. Even though the government has disbursed a lot of funds to welcome the event.

The refusal of the Governor of Bali certainly led to the threat of the failure of the ANOC World Beach Games if Governor Koster was firm in his attitude. Regarding this rejection, the Chairman of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (NOC) Raja Sapta Oktohari regretted the rejection.

Raja Sapta Oktohari also said that sports should be able to become a unifying tool for the nation. In sports also do not recognize discrimination. He also said that the presence of Israeli athletes was unavoidable in multi-event events because they were members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Meanwhile, regarding the refusal of the Governor of Bali to the presence of Israel, a solution is still being sought. The government has not yet issued an official statement regarding this matter. There is no clarity on the fate of the 2023 ANOC World Beach Games event. What is clear is that the Government has many missions through this event, one of which is to host the 2036 Olympics which is planned to be held in the capital city of the archipelago, aka IKN.

For information, in the 2023 Anoc World Beach Games there are various sports competed, such as Aquathlon, Coastal Handball, Coastal Football, Coastal Tennis, 4times4 Beach Volleyball, Coastal Waterpolo, Coastal Wrestling, Individual Words, 5 Km Open Water Swimming, 3x3 Basketball, Water Badminton, Surfing, Beach Sprint Rowing, and WingFoil Racing.

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