Parents Don't Ignore, These Are 5 Signs Of Children Having Bullying

JAKARTA - Bullying or bullying has a psychological impact that can harm children. Victims can lose self-confidence and even experience depression. Bullying didn't happen suddenly and stopped right away.

Therefore, it is important for parents to immediately realize the signs of child bullying so that they can be handled immediately and the impact will not be worse. These signs can be different between boys and girls. This is due to bullying that both of them can have different faces.

The following is a guide for signs that children are experiencing bullying that parents can watch out for.

Losing or changing friendship circles can be a sign that children experience bullying, especially in teenagers. Likewise, the reluctance to hang out with friends can indicate intimidation is happening. Parents can still know changes in their child's friendship circle by staying connected with other parents in the circle. That way, it is easier to realize when children are not present at parties and birthday events or other group invitations.

Children suddenly avoid going to school. There are reasons, ranging from stomach pain, dizziness, or even refusing to be awakened. For example, when you observe, what he made the reason is not true, he is not sick at all. Don't be in a hurry to suspect that he lied because he was lazy to go to school. It could be a sign that your little one doesn't want to go to school because he has received bullying from friends at school. So, he feels that school is an unsafe place for him.

If the child doesn't talk much as usual or if he goes straight to the room after school, that could be something to watch out for. Acting against siblings can also be a sign of prolonged bullying. In some cases, bullying victims will release "victim attitude" and become reactive with siblings and other children.

Children who receive bullying are often trapped in the wrong thoughts. That there is something wrong with him so that he is not treated well by other friends. He feels alone. Try to always confirm to him how he felt and ask him to tell the story.

If bullying occurs online, you may see one of two things, namely, excessive attachment to electronic devices or total withdrawal from these tools. If the first one, the child can be nervous if you try to limit its use. Second, you may find it difficult for your child to contact because he is away from his device.

A child psychologist, Bailey Lindgren, told Reader's Digest on Wednesday, April 5 recommending parents to prepare rules and guidelines for online engagement when children first create social media accounts. He said children may be reluctant to tell adults about cyberbullying for fear the device would be taken. For that, show him that you will not take his device, but rather want to help solve the bullying problems experienced.