Not File A Witness, Indra Bekti Doesn't Want To Fulfill Aldilla Jelita's Divorce Desire

JAKARTA - Unlike Aldilla Jelita, who presented two witnesses in the divorce suit trial at the South Jakarta Religious Court (PA) on Monday, April 3, it appeared that Indra Bekti did not present any witnesses at all.

Like previous trials, Indra Bekti was also not present at the trial. The 45-year-old presenter was only represented by his attorney in the trial with the evidentiary agenda.

Teguh Putra, Dhila's attorney, said that from the start Bekti did not want the divorce process to be complicated. The presenter in this case only follows what has been agreed between himself and his wife.

Had been questioned by the hakik panel why Indra Bekti did not file a witness, Teguh said that the husband of his client as defendant only followed the existing process without wanting to defend himself.

"Yes, it was asked whether the defendant, Indra Bekti, proposed evidence. The answer is no. So he has just followed the steps proposed by the plaintiff," said Teguh after the trial at PA South Jakarta on Monday, April 3.

With the trial process that has been running so far, the attorney said the next trial will be held again on April 10, and followed by a verdict a week later.

"On April 10, the conclusion of all the series of trial agendas that we run. Then the assembly deliberation will be held on April 17," he said.

Although he will officially divorce in the near future, Aldilla Jelita stated that her communication with Indra Bekti is still ongoing. He admitted that he was still monitoring the condition of the father of his two children.

"We communicated, we hope that even though we are no longer together, it is still good. Because the father is a child, so we have to know how his condition is," concluded Aldilla Jelita.