Is Morning-after Pill Safe For Health Reproduction? Check Doctor's Explanation
YOGYAKARTA Morning-after election is not an activity of taking drugs in the morning but contraception that is taken when an emergency occurs. According to doctor Benita Kurniadi, Ai-Care's team of doctors, having sex that does not use safety risks the occurrence of KTD (Unplanned Immunity) and transmission of sexual illness.
To reduce the risk of KTD and in urgent conditions when having sex does not use safety, one of the prevention is to drink a morning-after pill. But is this hormonal contraception drug healthy for reproduction? Then, can the morning-after pill be used to abort pregnancy?
Apparently, said doctor Benita, drinking a morning-after election is not an abortion. As a hormonal contraceptive tool, the pill morning-after remains at risk of failure. Which means that there is still the potential for an unplanned pregnancy. Especially if consumed exceeds the specified time and if it is not permanent.
Generally, the morning-after election has two types of ingredients, namely containing levonogestrel and ellipticals. Both have a working method that inhibits ovulation, namely a process in which mature eggs are ready to be fertilized and inhibit sperm movement. Both types of pills with each of these ingredients, have a different drinking period. For Levonoghastrel, a maximum of 72 hours must be taken as soon as possible after having sex. elliptical is taken a maximum of 120 hours after having sex.
According to doctor Benita's explanation, morning-after pill has side effects. First, menstrual blood is more in the cycle after consuming these contraceptive pills. The second side effect, experiencing digestive disorders such as nausea and the stomach feels uncomfortable after consumption. Side effects experienced are not at serious risk. But it is forbidden to be drunk by pregnant women, pre-menopaus, and menopause. This is not because the content is dangerous for these conditions, but there is no definite study that proves the bad risk. But it would be wise not to drink it because it is not necessarily safe for pregnant women.
Through the explanation above, doctor Benita made it clear that the morning-after election was not an abortion pill. Because the morning-after election does not termination of the precursion. This contraceptive pill only prevents pregnancy from occurring or before the conception of eggs by sperm occurs.
For women who are sexually active and committed to their partners not planning a pregnancy program, it is advisable to take this pill. But it is only recommended to take it during an emergency. To be more responsible and get the right direction from a reproductive specialist, it is better to consult before drinking it.
According to WHO reported by Health, morning-after pills can only prevent 95 percent pregnancy if taken less than five days after sexual intercourse. These pills are also not meant for routine contraceptives. Shape A. Ross, MD., an ob-gyn based in Los Angeles says drinking regularly does not cause long-term effects but can reverse hormones or make menstruation irregular.