Preparation For Lebaran 2023 Homecoming, Cipali Toll Operator Add Parking Pockets

Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Operators have added parking bags at rest areas to facilitate the flow of vehicles during the 2023 Lebaran homecoming, in addition to widening the road right in front of them.

"We are adding parking bags, such as in type A rest areas, where currently we can accommodate more than 1,000 vehicles," said Corporate Communication & CSR Dept Head Astra Infra Toll Road Cikopo-Palimanan Haelly Lusiawatie, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 31.

According to him, the addition of parking bags at the rest area was carried out to accommodate the vehicles of the travelers and this is an evaluation from last year, where many vehicles were not accommodated.

He continued that the rest area for type B located at KM 86 could accommodate more than 120 vehicles, while at KM 130 the capacity was more than 300 vehicles.

"This difference is due to the addition of parking capacity at the KM 130 rest area which has undergone rejuvination or rejuvenation," he said.

In addition, said Haery, his party also added toilets, such as at the rest areas of KM 86 and KM 130 A, plus 15 booths and 10 urines. As for the resting place KM 130 B plus 32 toilet booths.

Haelly added that Astra Infra Toll Road Cikopo-Palimanan is also adding a third lane right in front of the rest area, so that vehicles do not experience a slowdown when at that location.

He said the resting places plus the third lane were KM 86, 102, and KM 130, with a target that they could be completed before the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.