What Are IKD Applications And What Are The Benefits?

YOGYAKARTA One of the innovations from the Government that is welcomed by the public is population digitization. The innovation is in the form of a Digital Population Identity (IKD) application which is presented in the form of an application. So what is an IKD application?

The IKD application is an innovation made by the Directorate General of Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the form of digitizing population documents that can be accessed in the form of applications so that they can be accessed online and can be downloaded at the same time accessed via a smartphone.

Definition of the Identity of the Population itself is explained in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 72 of 2022 concerning standards and specifications of hardware, software, and blank ID cards-El, as well as the implementation of digital population identity.

In Permendagri it is explained that digital population identity is electronic information used to represent population documents and return data in digital applications through a device that displays personal data as the identity concerned.

Digital documents available in the application are not only in the form of e-KTPs and Family Cards, but there are other documents that can be accessed easily such as Covid-19 vaccine cards, NPWP, Vehicle Ownership Information, BKN Information (National Civil Service Agency, BPJS, DTKS, and Permanent Voter List in 2024, and many more.

Digital identity is regulated in Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 72 of 2022 concerning standards and specifications of hardware, software, and blank ID cards-El, as well as the implementation of digital population identity.

The existence of this IKD is not without reason. One of the deaths of the IKD application is to facilitate public or private service transactions via cellphone.

Quoted from the official website of the Dukcapil Office of Kubaya Regency, there are three functions of Digital Population Identity, namely as follows.

It is certain that the residents concerned are true as acknowledged by the residents.

The process of verifying residents who perform digital services through two-factor authentication by comparing the data in the database with the inherent power of the population such as the face and fingerprints.

Providing approval for service access digitally or electronically by ensuring that the person using a service is the right person.

With this innovation, people can change physical e-KTP to digital or Digital Population Identity (IKD). The way to activate digital identity is to download the IKD application by the Ministry of Home Affairs via PlayStore. But before that, prepare a number of requirements, namely as follows, quoted from the Indonesia good website.

After that follow the steps to activate the following IKD.

The activation of a Digital KTP can also be done at the Dukcapil Office or at the District Office according to your domicile.

In addition to what the IKD application is related to, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.