Enjoying Life By Remembering Happy Memories, Here's How Experts Advise

YOGYAKARTA So much is stored in memory, both bad and happy memories. But it turns out, remembering happy memories, means interacting positively with your past. Live a Happier Helter Life writer, Gina Vild said that remembering the experiences and positive interactions of the past, made her relaxed and happy.

What memories do you remember about past experiences that are fun? Launching Gina Vild's review on Psychology Today, Friday, March 31, research shows how past events can be used to improve today's emotions. This is an interesting discovery because it can be practiced today as an added mood by triggering greater satisfaction and joy in life.

Positive memories that are deliberately remembered, engage in reviving happy experiences. Research reports, this technique is a good exercise in driving higher levels of satisfaction. Such as nostalgia, orRATE affection for past events that have happy privision associations, has proven to be a strengthening of dynamic happiness. In addition to uncovering the benefits of memory, the same study also explores techniques for effectiveness. Results from participants who reminiscent of photos, memories, and memories report that positive feelings are greater than groups who reflect on the problem.

Besides being useful for directing the mental aspect more positively, remembering happy memories is also good for physical health. Among them reduce anxiety, reduce cortisol levels, and effectively increase self-image to avoid depression and stress. If you are not used to remembering beautiful memories, here are the techniques to start.

If it is difficult to sleep, many people use the technique of 'calculating sheep'. With the same pattern, but fill it by counting beautiful memories. Be it memories or experiences that enrich life or encouraging memories.

Friendship circles certainly spend a lot of time together. The next way to remember positive memories, try recalling moments when with family, friends, or relatives. Remember when it was time, where, and who was involved in the happy moment. Besides being fun and making you smile instantly, this method also helps strengthen your connection with a positive support system.

Journals in the form of daily books, can be filled with happy experiences. In addition to helping practice gratitude, it also helps ease your mood.

Opening an old photo is one way to reminisce about happy moments. If it's an old photo, maybe not many people pose smiling and free-style. But the moment behind it marks the happy times and commemorates an important event in your life.

Aroma and music can help trigger sensoryism that brings itself to happy times from the past. For example, your favorite song as a young one, it bounces back into the sweet times of life. Or the smell of grilled bread that brings the mind back to life about the warm and cheerful atmosphere of the house.

Vild's message, you can take advantage of memories or happy memories to be closer to your mind and heart. That way, you can fill and enjoy life with meaningful and happy things.