Moeldoko Asks For FPSA Development On Time

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko requested that the construction of an Antara Waste Management Facility (FPSA) in the Cakung area, East Jakarta, begin immediately. Moreover, the FPSA for the Western Service Area is predicted to be the largest Waste Power Plant (PLTSA) in Indonesia.

"Seventh, August, if possible, it will be ground-breaking. Don't delay anymore," said Moeldoko in a coordination meeting on the realization of PLTSa with the DKI Jakarta provincial government, PT Jakarta Propertindo, and project implementers, namely PT Wijaya Karya and PT Indoplas Karya Energi, at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 29.

Moeldoko said President Joko Widodo had mandated that the realization of the Waste Power Plant (PLTSA) through the construction of the Antara Waste Management Facility (FPSA) in Jakarta be realized immediately. So that not only can solve the waste problem, but it is also a leap to make Indonesia's commitment to reduce emissions according to the Paris Agreement agreement or Paris Agreement.

"The president in every meeting always asks about the development of this PLTSA. Why is it so difficult to realize. From the look on his face, the President looks angry. Because this concerns Indonesia's commitment to reducing emissions," said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko assessed that the progress of the construction of the Antara Waste Management Facility (FPSA) for the Western Service Area, in the Cakung Area, has been going well. It's just that, according to him, the steps and targets must be accelerated.

"From the presentation, I saw that it was going well. But it must be accelerated. I and the KSP Experts will continue to monitor it. Because this is the President's priority program in 2023, namely realizing a green economy," he explained.

For information, the construction of the Antara Waste Management Facility (FPSA) as a Waste Power Plant (PLTSA) is regulated in Presidential Decree No. 35/2018 concerning the Acceleration of the Construction of Waste Processing Installations into Electric Energy Based on Environmentally Friendly Technology.

Running the Presidential Decree, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, which is one of the target areas, will build 4 FPSA or Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) in the city. One of them, namely the FPSA for the West Service Area, in the Cakung area, East Jakarta.

The presence of the FPSA for the Western Service Area, in addition to reducing the delivery of waste volumes to the Bantar Gebang TPST, also minimizes methane gas emissions that can trigger climate change, and reduces the impact of public health on pollution caused by piles of waste.

The FPSA, which will be built using the thermal technology, has been proven and tested to be able to process and reduce waste significantly, and are environmentally friendly, meet the Euro 5 emission standard, and have been widely used in developed countries in Europe, America, and Asia.