How To Make Hajj And Umrah Passports Online, Here Are The Latest Requirements For 2023

YOGYAKARTA - He changed the conditions for making Hajj and Umrah passports good news for people who want to perform worship in the holy land. Recommendations from the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) are now no longer a requirement. So what are the requirements and ways to make a 2023 Hajj passport?

Previously, the government imposed a recommendation letter from the Ministry of Religion as a condition for obtaining Hajj and Umrah passports. However, the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration has revoked these requirements. The revocation of the Ministry of Religion's recommendation was stated in the Letter of the Director General of Immigration regarding Services for Issuance of Indonesian Passports for Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims number IMI-GR.01.01-0070 dated February 22, 2023.

So now prospective pilgrims and Umrah who want to apply for passports do not need to include a recommendation letter from the Ministry of Religion. The revocation of these conditions is done to make it easier for people who want to perform the pilgrimage and Umrah.

The requirements for passport submission have been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights number 18 of 2022 Article 4. These requirements are then updated with the revocation of the Ministry of Religion's recommendation letter.

Although the Ministry of Religion's recommendation requirements have been abolished, Immigration will continue to carry out strict and professional supervision. Passport applications will still be checked to avoid abuse.

Basically, the application for Hajj and Umrah passports is the same as the issuance of regular (green) passports. However, there are differences in the completeness of documents and the inclusion of names (at least two terms). The following are the requirements for making the latest Hajj and Umrah passports in 2023 reported from the page.

Now the making of Hajj and Umrah passports can be done online via a smartphone. So you don't have to bother going to the immigration office anymore. Applications for Hajj passports online can be done through the M-Passport application with the following steps.

If you have done all the process of submitting Hajj and Umrah passports, then you can go to the Immigration Office according to the selected schedule. Don't forget to bring a number of files that are a requirement for passport making. The file is needed for data verification and interviews by Immigration officers.

Demikian informasi mengenai cara membuat passport haji dan umrah terbaru 2023. Biaya pembuatan passport dibedakan berdasarkan jenisnya. Untuk passport biasa nonelectronik (48 halaman), biayanya Rp350,000. Untuk passport biasa elektron/e-pasport (48 pasport), biayanya Rp650,000. Sementara layanan percepatan passport selesai di hari yang sama akan dikenakan Rp1 juta luar biaya penerbitan.

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