Positive Thinking Responds To Airlangga's Presence In Bukber NasDem, PAN Believes Golkar Will Not Leave KIB

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) continues to think positively in response to the presence of Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto at the breaking of the fast together (bukber) at NasDem Tower, Saturday, March 25, 2023.PAN believes that Airlangga's presence at the event is not a signal that Golkar will die from the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB).Deputy Chairperson of PAN Viva Yoga Mauladi said Airlangga was present because he fulfilled the invitation from the General Chairperson of NasDem, Surya Paloh, who was also a Golkar cadre.Moreover, the 10th and 12th Indonesian Vice Presidents were also present at the event who is also the former chairman of the Golkar Party, Jusuf Kalla (JK)."So apart from being abukber, there is also a longing release event, because Pak Surya Paloh used to be a Golkar cadre," said Viva, Monday, March 27.Viva believes that Golkar remains committed to being at KIB with PAN and PPP. The coalition, he said, had already prepared a platform, only to announce the presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024."If Golkar leaves KIB, it's impossible. Because between Golkar, PAN, and PPP there has been a sacred promise at KIB," said Viva."There is a love triangle bond that cannot be separated by hurricanes and hurricanes," he added.Previously, Golkar Chairman Airlangga Hartarto attended Bukber's invitation at NasDem Tower, Saturday, March 25. Airlangga admitted that he was reminiscent when attending the invitation."There are many things we are talking about, Mr. Yusuf, the 10th and 12th vice president, who is also the General Chair of the Golkar Party and at that time his council was Mr. Surya Paloh, so we remember the good times and we certainly hope that the relationship between the Nasdem Party and the Golkar Party will always be established," said Airlangga.Airlangga hopes that relations between NasDem and Golkar that are no longer related can continue after the event."This is a form of openness and also Pak Surya's warmth with the General Chair of the Golkar Party and we do not feel there is a barrier even though the party is different but the friendship continues," he said.