KPU Understands That Voters Come Outside Of The Time Division To Vote

JAKARTA - The Commissioner of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia has monitored the implementation of voting at a number of polling stations (TPS) in South Tangerang City, Banten.

Previously, the KPU had a policy of dividing the time voters could come to the TPS to vote. This aims to parse arrival times so that there is no overcrowding of people at TPS during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the KPU found voters in Pakulonan and Pondok Jagung who came outside the time limit stated in the voting notification letter, namely form C notification.

KPU commissioner, Viryan Aziz, has understood that one of the voters in the locations monitored had to vote earlier than the appointed time because he had to work.

"There are voters who because of the relevant conditions at 10.00 WIB have to work, then the notification or C notification is suggested to be changed to 08.00 to 09.00 hours. This is possible," said Viryan at ICE BSD City, South Tangerang, Wednesday, December 8.

Then, KPU RI Commissioner Ilham Saputra also found voters in Cilenggang Village. Ilham found voters who arrived before the time determined by the polling organizers (KPPS).

"At TPS 22, Cilenggang Urban Village, there were also those who arrived prematurely. He has work at home, we finally allowed it," said Ilham.

"Actually, the limit on determining the time is only to anticipate a crowd. This is part of our efforts so that the voting process and vote counting run healthily and safely," he continued.

In general, voting activities monitored by the ranks of the Indonesian KPU in South Tangerang and a number of regencies / cities in Banten ran smoothly. Several areas had experienced rain, however, KPPS officials tried to keep TPS and other logistics from getting wet.

"They (KPPS) are ready. When it rains, the electricity is immediately installed with plastic, then the table is pushed forward about 1 meter, and voting activities are resumed," said KPU commissioner, Viryan Aziz.