Apart From Komnas HAM, FPI Will Also Ask The DPR For Help In Investigating The Shooting Of Six Of Rizieq's Guardians

JAKARTA - Lawyers for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Aziz Yanuar, said that his party would ask for assistance from the DPR Commission III in charge of law, human rights and security to investigate the shooting of six members of the FPI special army guard, Rizieq Shihab.

"We will proceed to Commission III DPR RI regarding this atrocity (the shooting of the FPI paramilitary troops)," said Aziz in a webinar discussion broadcast on Youtube LDTV, Tuesday, December 8.

Apart from the DPR, Aziz also said that his party would also report the shooting incident to the social organization Amnesty International and the National Police Commission (Kompolnas).

Aziz said that previously FPI had asked the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to help investigate the incident independently. Komnas HAM has also communicated with the families of the victims.

"Last night, Komnas HAM also went to Petamburan to discuss with the families of the victims (six members of the FPI laskar)," he said.

Previously, Komnas HAM formed a team to explore various information related to the shooting incident that killed six special FPI troops on the Cikampek Toll Road, Monday, December 7 in the morning.

"Komnas HAM through the monitoring and investigation (field) has created a team. Currently (the team) is studying information to deepen various information circulating in the public," said Komnas HAM Commissioner for Monitoring and Investigation Choirul Anam.

This team, he continued, studied information and gathered facts from parties directly related to the incident. Including, digging direct information from the FPI.

"This initial process, the team has received some information directly and is deepening it," said Choirul.

To accelerate and strengthen the events that occurred, Choirul then asked all parties to cooperate and be open. "We also convey this hope to the police," he added.