6 Special Laskar Guards Rizieq Shihab Killed, Which Is Correct Version Of The Police Or FPI?

JAKARTA - Six Special Troops guards for Rizieq Shihab were shot dead by police on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 toll road, Monday, December 7, in the early hours of the morning. The death of Rizieq's guards led to a polemic due to differences in the chronology version of the police and the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Referring to the police statement, this case started when members of the Polda Metro Jaya investigated the information circulating about a mass mobilization when Rizieq Shihab was questioned by the police. Rizieq was examined in connection with the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) of Nawja Shihab's marriage some time ago.

From the investigation process, the police monitored Rizieq Shihab's movements. When Rizieq moved in a motorcade, the police followed him.

But when the process was tailing, two cars escorting Rizieq Shihab suddenly attacked. They are said to be holding and shooting at police cars.

"When members of the PMJ (Polda Metro Jaya) followed a vehicle suspected of being MRS (Muhammad Rizieq Shihab), the officers' vehicle was intercepted and then attacked using firearms and sharp weapons," said Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran, Monday, December 7.

The police said that there were at least ten special laskar who attacked. Officers who feel threatened, then fight. In the end, six Laskar Khusus were shot dead. While the rest managed to escape.

"Members who were threatened with life's safety because of being attacked took decisive measures. So that the group suspected of being MRS followers, which numbered 10 people, died 6 people," he said.

Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran, shows a gun belonging to the FPI special army guarding Rizieq Shihab (Rizky Adytia / VOI)

Director of the General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat, said that his party had evidence that indicated that the Special Forces were planning to attack the police. The proof is in the form of voice recordings of the Special Troops.

"The facts have been conveyed and there is also evidence about how the voice notes are planned to be lured there and then caught," he said.

In the voice recording, several people, known as Laskar Special members, seemed to coordinate with the escort of Rizieq Shihab. It was even heard that one of the people ordered him to hit the police car if necessary.

"Everything is stated or stated clearly in the voice note," he said.

"The voice note was how the story was well known to him that it was our member and then they continued to carry out attacks on their side," continued Tubagus.

Tubagus emphasized that the voice recording was not something that was deliberately made. The voice of the conversation was called the original voice of the Rizieq Special Army.

"It is real and not made up, seen, heard in the voice note. Those are the facts," he said.

FPI version

Meanwhile, FPI delivered a different statement regarding the chronology of events. Through his spokesperson, Munarman explained the chronology of the shooting incident of six special laskar of Rizieq Shihab's guard who was shot by the police around the East Karawang toll gate.

Initially, Munarman said there was surveillance of Rizieq Shihab in various areas, such as the Islamic boarding school that Rizieq owned in Megamendung, Bogor, to the Petamburan area, Central Jakarta.

"Since Friday, there have been several scouts assigned by the official state institutions. I do not want to mention who. They are assigned to scout for 24 hours, using drones and other sophisticated equipment," said Munarman.

While in Megamendung, the FPI Laskar had a chance to communicate with a party called Munarman as the scout. He said there were about 30 people stalking Rizieq Shihab's whereabouts.

"We have their confession, we have data from their reports to their superiors. We do not know whether this (shooting) is a form of revenge for the uncovering of the surveillance or not," said Munarman.

Then, Rizieq traveled from Jakarta to out of town since 22.30 WIB on Sunday, November 6. Rizieq planned to visit the recitation which was attended by his immediate family.

There are a total of four cars in the group. Two cars contain Rizieq Shihab and his family. Meanwhile, the other two cars contained members of the army who were escorting them.

"With four family cars. In the car of his wife's children, there is a son-in-law. This means there is a woman in the car and two of her grandchildren are still babies, three are still toddlers. This is an ordinary family trip," said Munarman.

On the way, Munarman said that an unknown party had been stalking him since Rizieq left the original location. The scout, continued Munarman, attempted to stop Rizieq's group's vehicle.

"Well, of course I reacted to the guards to protect Habib Rizieq. That is a normal reaction because it is his duty to guard him," he said.

Petamburan after information that 6 FPI troops were shot by the police (Ahmad / VOI)

Shortly thereafter, one of Rizieq's followers received a voice message from another army. It contains a clash with the police. In fact, there was a voice message containing a groan from the gunshot.

Then, the other three vehicles of Rizieq's group, said Munarman, saved themselves. At that time, FPI still considered the six soldiers in the car that had been shot as missing.

After the incident, said Munarman, FPI ranks returned to combing the clash until 03.00 WIB. However, they did not find any bodies until the gunshot was shot at the location.

"Until now we have not had access to information about the whereabouts of the body, the condition of the wounds, where the shooting was, how many bullet holes were there, we do not know," Munarman explained.

"This shows that the six bodies are under full control and control. If it was an ordinary shooting, of course the people were already busy there," said Munarman.

With information from the police that the six special laskar had been shot dead, Munarman stated that the police had carried out the massacre.

"It was a massacre, in human rights language it is called extra judicial killing," said Munarman.

So, his party did not accept the police action that killed the six soldiers who were guarding Rizieq. In fact, the police were asked to take responsibility for the shooting.

"Of course there must be legal accountability from the party who carried out the murder," he said.

Apart from that, Munarman also denied that the special laskar attacked the police with firearms. In fact, there was never a shootout like the one the police said.

"That big slander, if our laskar is said to be carrying firearms and shooting. There was no gun battle, only a shooting incident," said Munarman.

Munarman claimed that the FPI laskar were never equipped with firearms. In fact, under any circumstances the irregulars were never equipped with weapons even to protect themselves.

For that, he asked the authorities to provide real information about the shooting incident. Because, he judged that in this case it seemed as if something was being covered up.

"It is impossible for us to buy (firearms) from the black market. So it's a lie, a lie at all. Every member of the FPI is prohibited from carrying sharp weapons, firearms, even explosives. So, those are attempts to slander, distort the facts," said Munarman.

Middle way

The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) formed a team to investigate various information related to the shooting incident that killed six special Islamic Defenders Front soldiers on the Cikampek Toll Road, Monday, December 7 this morning.

"Komnas HAM through monitoring and investigation has created a team. Currently (the team, red) is exploring information to deepen various information circulating in the public," Komnas HAM Commissioner for Monitoring and Investigation Choirul Anam told reporters on Monday. , reported by Antara, December 7.

This team, he continued, studied information and gathered facts from parties directly related to the incident. Including, digging direct information from the FPI.

To accelerate and strengthen the events that occurred, Choirul then asked all parties to cooperate and be open.

"We also convey this hope to the police," he said.

"This initial process, the team has received some information directly and is deepening it," he added.