JAKARTA - Global challenges and geopolitical conflicts have pushed back various advances in the field of gender equality. There are still many women who are hindered from political participation, economic and educational access, to security and health guarantees.

That is why, according to the Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, the important role of women as an 'agent of change' in the fields of economics, social and culture is deemed necessary to continue to strive to realize a strong and balanced parliament.

Moreover, in the 'The 8th G20 Parliamentary Speakers' (P20) session in Jakarta on 6-7 October 2022, world parliaments agreed that strengthening parliamentary roles is a solution in the face of a difficult global situation.

"A strong parliament is the key to realizing democracy and people's welfare by prioritizing cooperation with other stakeholders," said Puan at that moment.

The UN Gender Equality Index in 2021 shows that 95 percent of women have taken secondary education and 57.7 percent of women have been absorbed into the labor market. However, only 39.7 percent of women occupy seats in parliament.

According to Puan, the main priority is education as the first door to increasing literacy, skills and expertise, and awareness of the health of women.

Through education, women can participate more in politics. This is very important for women in protection from discrimination and violence, including smuggling and trafficking of people," said Puan.

After all, women are integral to effective and sustainable community empowerment.

Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Dyah Roro Esti also agrees that the existence of women in parliament can erode gender equality. When in parliament, women certainly have a tendency to fight for their rights, to formulate policies that are long term, directly have an impact on the nation's next generation.

For example, as currently being discussed in Commission VII of the DPR RI, the Draft New and Renewable Energy Law (RUU EBT) is being discussed.

This Golkar Party politician explained that there are three points of excellence in women in Parliament. First, women have a tendency to encourage equal rights. Second, women have a tendency to encourage long-term policies.

"Finally, women have a tendency to use their heart and have the sensitivity to fight for and carry out their duties," added Roro.

Another example is the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence which was knocked down by a hammer in April 2022. This is also a form of concern for women.

Puan said that the implementation of the TPKS Law was not just to provide guarantees for handling cases of sexual violence. However, it will also function in terms of prevention to protection and recovery for victims.

"Through the TPKS Law and its derivative regulations, the State can guarantee people's sense of security and protection from the threat of sexual violence. This legal umbrella will also provide justice for all victims," he said as quoted by the DPR website.

However, the reality is in Indonesia, according to Juniar Laraswanda Umagapi in his writings on the Representative of Women in the 2019 Election Results Parliament: Challenges and Opportunities, the presence of women in parliament has not fully fulfilled both quantity and quality.

Secara kuantitas, meski meningkat dari periode-period sebelumnya, jumlah perempuan di parlemen tidak pernah mencapai target 30 persen. Pada periode 2019-2024 per Januari 2021 saja terdapat 123 perempuan atau hanya sekitar 21.39 persen. DPRD provinsi sebesar 18.03 persen, DPRD kabupaten/kota 15.25 persen, dan DPD sebesar 30,88 persen.

Juniar explored that there were a number of factors that were the cause. Among other things, cultural factors, poverty, and other social problems.

For example family. Women as wives after all still need permission from their husbands if they want to enter politics. Not only that, but as representatives of women, they are also members of the factions of political parties who must follow the words of the factions," said Juniar.

Likewise, in terms of quality, Juniar said, "Are the selected women really qualified women who are suitable to be the figures as distributors of people's aspirations, do they know very well what parliament is doing about its duties and obligations, so the public must judge in terms of their ability to lead."

The role of female legislative members in policies that are pros of women's issues is still lacking. Because, in today's reality, political parties only want to meet the quota of 30 percent. They choose many women who are already well-known, such as celebrities or who have liabilities with regional heads.

"There are no women who are indeed from the lower classes who are women activists who know very well about women's sensitive issues that must be prioritized," he added.

The opening of the Parliamentary Forum and the 8th G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20) at the Nusantara Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (6/10/2022). (Between)

Member of Commission IX of the DPR RI, Irma Chaniago, also admitted that not all political parties can provide great space for women to advance to become representatives of the people. So, it is better that the 30 percent rule of representation in parliament is mandatory.

Not just a quota, not 30 percent of party administrators, but 30 percent of them are mandatory in parliament. Only women can speak bigger," Irma told VOI some time ago.

Because, if only 30 percent of women's representation as party administrators, it's the same. After all, in the end, political parties do not provide space for women to advance to the legislature. This should be a concern.

Perlu diskretion, perlu adanya regulasi yang bisa membuat peran perempuan itu termaginasi, bisa punya ruang di kancah politik. Parpol harus memberi ruang besar terhadap perempuan untuk bisa berpartisipasi dalam flaming legislative sehingga perempuan tidak hanya menjadivote getter, tuturnya.

In addition to the lack of space given, not many women also have the capital to become representatives of the people.

If social capital may be that many women have good electability, but there are still few women who have financial capital who are independent. On average, they still depend on the husband's funding," added Irma.

This condition must also be a concern for political parties. Helping women who are of good quality, have the capability, capacity, and electability to run as representatives of the people and should not be allowed to fight freely.

This is what political parties have not been able to do so that there are still many women who are actually qualified to be representatives of the people, but cannot enter because of financial limitations.

Although there is no partnership statement, 'The 8th G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20) held in Indonesia produces 'outcome document' in the form of 'Chair's Summary'.

Chair's Summary was obtained after the G20 parliamentary leadership attended 4 discussion sessions related to priority issues ranging from sustainable development, green economy, food and energy security as well as economic challenges, to gender equality.

'Outcome document Chair's Summary' in P20 will later be brought to the G20 Summit which will be held in November 2020 in Bali where Indonesia holds the presidency.