UAS Supports Akhyar Nasution In Medan Pilkada: Tap The People's Heart

MEDAN - The pair of candidates for mayor-deputy mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi (AMAN) met with Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS). UAS immediately asked Akhyar's position in the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP).

"I will end my political career with the Democratic Party. I have divorced three times with PDI Perjuangan, "said Akhyar accompanied by Salman Alfarisi in a meeting on Sunday, November 29.

Akhyar-Salman meeting with UAS, the great ulama from North Sumatra was in order to support winning the Medan Pilkada.

"We were accepted at the residence of a UAS friend in West Sumatra. He is pleased to support Bang Akhyar Nasution and ustaz Salman for the benefit of the people and for the good of Medan City, ”said a member of the Democrat Party DPP's 1st Sumatran Pilkada Task Force, Syahrial Nasution, who also accompanied the AMAN pair.

The Akhyar-Salman pair will face a large coalition that carries President Jokowi's sons-in-law, Bobby Nasution and Aulia Rachman. There are nine political parties that support the Bobby-Aulia pair, namely, PDIP, Golkar Party, Gerindra, Nasdem, PAN, PPP, PSI, Hanura and PBB and supported by the Gelora Party.

In a meeting with Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi, UAS left a number of messages. Akhyar was asked by UAS to stay in touch directly from house to house or even through technological devices considering the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Knock on the doors (houses) of the people so that their hearts will be knocked. God willing, I will support Bang Akhyar Nasution and ustaz Salman to become the trustworthy mayor and deputy mayor of Medan 2021-2024. Hand in hand with the ulama and pay attention to the poor, "said UAS.