Exhausted, Rizieq Shihab Is Treated At The Bogor UMMI Hospital

JAKARTA - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya confirmed that the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab is being treated at the UMMI Hospital, Bogor City, West Java. This is known after he received information from the hospital.

"I have communicated with the leadership of Ummi Hospital. That's right, Habib Rizieq came in yesterday. He is exhausted," Bima Arya told VOI, Jakarta, Thursday, November 26.

Despite being treated, said Bima, Rizieq Shihab's health condition was fine. However, continued Bhima, Rizieq still had to carry out observations.

"An examination has been carried out, and so far his health condition is good. But it will continue to be observed," he said.

On this occasion, Bima said that since he entered the UMMI Hospital, Rizieq had not been tested for the swab. "Because so far there are no symptoms," he said.

It is known that since his return from Saudi Arabia, Rizieq Shihab had indeed held and attended a number of events. In fact, the event that Rizieq attended was suspected of violating health protocols. The UMMI Hospital (RS UMMI) which is now in the spotlight because Rizieq Shihab was chosen as his treatment place, is a type C public hospital. UMMI Hospital is actually a priority for health for mothers and children. This hospital was established on May 18, 2013 in Bogor.