Coal Is Still The Most Rational Raw Material To Support Electrical Energy In Indonesia

JAKARTA - According to various circles, the efficiency and stability of supply, as well as the price, are still the most rational choice for electrical energy in Indonesia.
They say coal is the cheapest energy at this time and is relied upon in the midst of conditions in Indonesia which require a lot of energy for many sectors, including health and daily life. Technological advances have also made fossil energy no longer classified as dirty energy.
General Chairperson of the Indonesian Geological Economy Society-Indonesian Association of Geologists (MGEI-IAGI) Budi Santoso, explained the efficiency and environmentally friendly aspects of coal energy. He mentioned, the cheap price of coal energy is due to its presence in almost all of Indonesia. Thus, coal is not only easy to obtain and cheap, it is also in stable supply.
"It is very rational if we control coal energy. So coal energy which is called dirty energy is a hoax. I guarantee it because Indonesian coal has low ash and low sulfur," Budi said in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday (11/25/2020 ).
He also said, the results of research on the amount of electricity costs, coal energy is still the cheapest for consumers. Meanwhile, regarding the environmental impact, MGEI-IAGI stated that the results of the study also concluded that the coal power plant technology could catch dust with a size of under five microns.
In fact, for the problem of acid gas exhaust, technology is now also very good at desulphurisation. Therefore, generating emissions are not dangerous.
"Modern technology for power plants is very advanced. Emissions are strictly controlled, even lower than 5 microns. In fact, the dust on the road is between 5-15 microns," he explained.
The chairman of the Indonesian Electricity Society, Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, agreed on different occasions. Cheap electricity production will encourage the supply of electricity to competitive communities, industries and businesses, and will attract industry. The price of electricity is also a factor that determines the ease of doing business in a country.
Therefore, to provide electricity to the people, the state must comply with the principles of sufficiency, reliability, sustainability, affordability and justice. The use of coal is still the most appropriate for Indonesia and many countries.
Wiluyo has not denied the many accusations that coal-fired power plants produce dirty energy. But that is the condition it used to be. He reminded that the development of modern technology made coal-fired power plants even more efficient and environmentally friendly. Current power plants in the country have adopted this environmentally friendly modern technology.
Energy observer Ahmad Redi also expressed this rational option. According to his records, currently coal is still the main raw material for power plants with a percentage of around 60 percent.
In terms of efficiency, the use of coal allows consumers to get affordable electricity prices.