The National Police Again Cancel Holds Case For Alleged Violation Of The Rizieq Shihab Crowd Health Center

JAKARTA - The police have again canceled the planned case against the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) at the wedding of Rizieq Shihab's daughter and the laying of the first stone for the construction of a pesantren in Bogor. The reason was that there were still several witnesses who were asked to clarify the matter.

"For the time being, the case title has not been carried out either at Polda Metro Jaya or at Polda West Java," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General Awi Setiyono to reporters, Monday, November 23.

The cancellation of the case title at Polda Metro Jaya was mentioned because investigators were still asking for information from the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria and representatives of the Tourism and Creative Economy Office.

Meanwhile, the West Java Regional Police will examine epidemiologists and representatives from Islamic boarding schools on Tuesday, November 24.

This means that there have been two recorded cancellations of pekara title plans at Polda Metro Jaya. Meanwhile, for the West Java Regional Police for the first time the title of the case was canceled.

"Because it turns out that in the investigation process there are things that need to be explored and today two people at the Polda Metro who were summoned, including the Deputy Governor. present, "said Awi.

Moreover, of the witnesses who will be questioned, some of them were confirmed to have been exposed to COVID-19. Hence, investigators are waiting for their health to improve.

"One of them is the Bogor Regent who was confirmed positive for Covid, so the investigators reschedule to invite 3 other people who were not present tomorrow," said Awi.

"So we are still in the process. Of course, whatever the outcome will be, whether an incident of suspected criminal violation of health protocols is found, of course everything will be determined in the case title," he continued.

Previously, the Polda Metro Jaya State Security (Kamneg) investigators decided to postpone the title of the case regarding the alleged violation of health protocol at the Prophet's birthday and the marriage of Rizieq Shihab's daughter.

But because of the inauguration ceremony for the Jakarta Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran, the title of the case was decided to be postponed.

"The plan is for Thursday this Friday, but there is an activity to transfer the regional police chief, there is a handover at the Headquarters and Polda Metro with his busy schedule, so it is delayed," said Awi.

For your information, this case title is carried out to determine whether there is a criminal offense. If found, the investigator will increase the status of the case to an investigation.