Revenge For Divorce By Second Wife, Men In Lutra Sulsel Kills Men Having Affair With Machetes

MAKASSAR - Finally, Putu Tirta gave the way to hold his old grudge. Not accepting being divorced by his second wife, Putu killed Wayan Susanti, an affair that caused the perpetrator to be divorced by his wife.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for North Luwu Police, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) AKP Syamsul R explained that the murder took place at 11.30 WITA, Thursday, November 19. The killings took place in Uraso Village, Mappideceng, North Luwu.

"Based on the perpetrator's interrogation, he had a grudge, hurt the victim where the perpetrator suspected that the victim was having an affair with the perpetrator's second wife that caused the divorce," said AKP Syamsul when contacted by VOI.

According to the police, the perpetrator took a machete and visited the victim who was at the perpetrator's house. At first the perpetrator strangled the victim. After that the perpetrator beat the victim with a machete. The victim sustained injuries to his neck and right arm due to a machete strike.

The police then arrested the suspect and secured evidence that the machete was confiscated. The perpetrator was charged under Article 340, 338, 353 paragraph (3), 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code.