Bio Farma Will Receive IDR 2 Trillion Fund Injections This Year

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) ensures that there will be a State Capital Participation (PMN) fund to PT Bio Farma Persero amounting to IDR 2 trillion in 2020. One of the allocations is the procurement of vaccines.

Director General of State Wealth of the Ministry of Finance Isa Rachmatawarta said the plan to inject funds emerged when the Ministry of BUMN, Ministry of Finance and Commission XI of the DPR RI conducted a study so that there was an urgency to add capital to the Bio Farma Group.

"This is Bio Farma at the last meeting, when the budget agency is proposed Rp2 trillion. The allocation is to build facilities for the manufacture of drugs and vaccines, as well as for their participation in the development of health service facilities. That is in general," he said, in a virtual discussion, Friday. , 6 November.

The PMN fund for Bio Farma had previously been proposed by the Minister of BUMN, proposed for 2021. However, Isa said that the distribution could be accelerated this year.

"We are trying to fulfill all of this in 2020 PMN funds amounting to Rp2 trillion for Biofarma. We are discussing this matter," he said.

Isa said that the PMN fund disbursement for BUMN was also given to holding state-owned pharmaceutical companies (BUMN) such as PT Kimia Farma Tbk and PT Indofarma Tbk.

"Furthermore, how does Bio Farma use its funds, whether it will buy Pertamina Bina Medika IHC shares or not, because there is a corporate mechanism," he said.