Labor Union: Ida Fauziyah Is More Suitable To Be Minister Of Entrepreneurship, Because She Always Follows Apindo's Wishes

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) Riden Hatam Aziz assessed that the Circular (SE) of the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah regarding the absence of an increase in drinking wages in 2021, reflects that the government is too inclined towards the interests of employers, so it forgets the fate of workers.

According to Aziz, Ida Fauziyah is more suitable to be called the minister of entrepreneurship, not the minister of manpower.

"Ms. Ida Fauziyah is not the Minister of Manpower, but the Minister of Apindo or the Minister of Entrepreneurship. Because what she says is what the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) always participates in," he said, in a virtual KSPI press conference, Friday, October 30.

Aziz said that the Menaker 's impartiality towards workers was reflected in the fact that the policies issued were often more concerned with the interests of entrepreneur groups. One of them is reflected in the Circular (SE) Regarding the Implementation of 2020 Religious Holidays Allowance (THR).

Furthermore, Aziz said, during Eid al-Fitr, the businessmen asked for the relaxation of the THR payment and it was immediately fulfilled by the government, in this case the Minister of Manpower. Even the gift can be paid in installments.

"Now, the chairman of Apindo, starting in May, I have heard that the UMK 2021 cannot increase, then added another entrepreneur. Now the Minister of Manpower has responded to it again with a circular about not increasing wages in 2021," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Manpower (Menaker), Ida Fauziyah set the minimum wage in 2021 the same as 2020. This was written in Circular Number M / 11 / HK.04 / X / 2020 concerning Determination of Minimum Wages for 2021 during the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic. (COVID-19).

"Taking into account the condition of Indonesia's economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for national economic recovery, the governor is asked to make adjustments to the determination of the value of the 2021 Minimum Wage to the value of the 2020 Minimum Wage," he said, in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 27.

In the regulation that was signed on October 26, 2020, Ida explained, the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on economic conditions and the ability of companies to fulfill workers / labor rights, including in paying wages. Thus, it is necessary to make adjustments to the determination of the minimum wage in the situation of economic recovery during the pandemic.

Ida asked the governor to set and announce the 2021 provincial minimum wage on 31 October 2020. As well as asked the governor to carry out the determination of the minimum wage after 2021 in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

"In connection with this matter asked the Governor to submit the circular to the Regent / Mayor and related stakeholders," he said.