Police Confiscate One Suitcase With Sabu And Ecstasy Contents, 3 People Arrested

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Detective Unit thwarted the circulation of a suitcase filled with methamphetamine and ecstasy in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang. Three people were arrested.
West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Audie S. Latuheru explained the three suspects arrested with the initials CR (34), FH (22), and a woman with the initials RR (24).
"Yes, that's right, our members have succeeded in uncovering the circulation of illegal drug networks," said Audie as quoted by Antara, Friday, October 23.
The drugs are planned to be distributed in West Jakarta during the long holiday next week. The three perpetrators took advantage of the situation of demonstrations in Central Jakarta and West Jakarta to pass the drug trafficking.
Meanwhile, the Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit, Police Commissioner Ronaldo Maradona Siregar added that the arrest of the network was the result of the development of previous arrests in the Cawang area, East Jakarta some time ago.
"We are also investigating the alleged existence of other drug networks that took advantage of massive demonstrations against the current Job Creation Bill," said Ronaldo.
Ronaldo said the momentum of the demonstration was used by drug traffickers to carry out illicit drug trafficking, while the officers were busy securing the demonstration.
This arrest was led by the Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Chief AKP Arif Purnama Oktora together with the Preman Hunting Team (TPP) led by Ipda Ivan Pradipta.