Jokowi Will Immediately Sign Job Creation Law, Opportunity For Perppu To Be Issued Smaller

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko confirmed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will soon sign the Work Creation Omnibus Law which was passed by the Indonesian Parliament on Monday, October 5.

This at the same time minimizes the chance for the emergence of a Government Regulation in Lieu of a Law (Perppu) which is requested by the public to revoke the polemic law.

"It's just a matter of time after his signature will soon be promulgated in the state gazette," Moeldoko told reporters at his office, Wednesday, October 21.

However, he did not explain further when the former governor of DKI Jakarta would sign the Job Creation Law, whose manuscript was submitted some time ago.

Furthermore, Moeldoko said, currently Jokowi has also communicated with other parties regarding the preparation of derivative regulations from this Law. Discussions, he continued, have been carried out with various groups and this will continue to be done. "(The discussion, red) will continue not to stop," he said.

In addition to having held discussions related to derivative regulations, currently the ministers will immediately distribute the text of the Job Creation Law to a number of strategic groups such as Nahdatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah and other groups. This is so that they can see more clearly the substance of this law and not be consumed by disinformation from social media.

However, the implementation of the distribution of this manuscript still has to wait for the permission of the DPR RI. Because before being signed by the president, this distribution requires permission from the parliament.

"So that the public has the same understanding that the Job Creation Law is really for our future," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the Work Creation Omnibus Law would require many derivative regulations, such as Government Regulations (PP) and Presidential Regulations (Perpres). Jokowi opens up space for the public to provide input to the government regarding matters that need to be included in the derivative regulation.

"After this there are PP and Presidential Decrees which we will complete no later than three months after it is promulgated. We, the government, open and invite input from the public and are still opening up suggestions and input from the regions," Jokowi said in his statement which was broadcast on the Secretariat YouTube account. President, Friday, October 9.

Jokowi emphasized that the Job Creation Law which was passed on Monday, October 5 will have a positive impact on millions of Indonesians, especially for the workforce to improve their lives and livelihoods.

"And if there is still, if there is still dissatisfaction with this Job Creation Law, please submit a judicial review through the Constitutional Court," he said.

"Our constitutional system does say that. So if there are still those who are not satisfied and refuse, please submit a judicial review to the Constitutional Court," added the former DKI Jakarta Governor.