
JAKARTA - The Tokopedia data leakage case certainly makes internet users even more worried. The fact is that even a marketplace service provider as big as Tokopedia is still unable to secure user data. A total of 91 Tokopedia user data have now been sold by unscrupulous individuals.

Tokopedia is just one of the many cases of data leakage. In March 2019, Bukalapak was also hacked. A total of 13 million Bukalapak user accounts were hacked and traded on the dark web. Cases like this deserve our attention. Moreover, our dependence on marketplace sites or applications like this is quite high, both as buyers and sellers. Therefore it is important for us to be more careful with personal data when using services on the internet.

Siniar VOI this time will provide 7 tips to keep personal data safe on the internet.

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