
YOGYAKARTA "Renewners must know the hiking equipment that must be brought to minimize unwanted things later. The reason is, inadequate preparation and inadequate equipment increase the risk of climbers experiencing difficulties in the middle of climbing.

Currently, there are a lot of hiking equipment available on the market. In addition to being able to buy, beginners can rent hiking tools at affordable rental costs. So what tools should be carried when hiking?

Warm clothes must be brought when hiking to keep the body from getting cold. Climbers who experience cold have the potential to experience hypothermia that can even take to death. Types of warm clothes that must be brought such as jackets, long-sleeved shirts, t-shirts and socks, and so on.

Sleeping bags or sleeping bags are used so that climbers do not experience cold sleep. Because the temperature of the mountain at night will feel much cooler than morning or noon. Try to choose a light but warm sleeping bag when worn.

Matras functions as a bed, especially when in a tent. Matras not only protects the body from the cold but also avoids sharp objects such as stones or wooden arrears. You can simply carry a mattress that is the size of the body.

Try to use a mountain bag while climbing. The mountain bag itself is designed so that climbers can load a lot of goods in just one place. Try to choose a mountain bag with the capacity according to luggage.

It is recommended not to use flip-flops or regular shoes. Wear mountain shoes when hiking. Mountain shoes serve to keep your feet warm, keep your legs from spraining easily, and protect your legs from sharp objects during hiking activities.

You can rent a mountain tent at a rental place. Don't bring another tent that weighs heavy. The mountain tents themselves are designed light and easy to carry. In addition, mountain tents also have the resistance to wind and water.

When doing hiking activities, bring away portable cooking utensils that are easy to carry. The cooking utensils brought in are stoves and gases, nesting, and spoons. It is not recommended to carry heavy cooking utensils because it will burden the body when hiking is carried out.

Prepare a plastic raincoat with light weight so that the body and luggage are not wet if at any time the weather is above the rain mountain. It is not recommended to bring raincoats with thick materials because it will burden the body when carried.

Headlamp serves as a source of light when you walk in the midst of darkness. The use of headlamp is more practical than flashlights because it follows head movements, thus adding visibility during the trip.

Although it does not include tools, food supplies must be brought as supplies during hiking. You can bring supplies such as bread, drinking water, instant noodles, and so on. Just feed the supplies as needed.

That's information regarding the hiking equipment that must be brought. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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