
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri stated that the TNI Military Police Center (Puspom) was initially involved in the arrest operation (OTT) at the National SAR Agency (Basarnas). They participated in the case title process until the determination of the status of the suspects.

This was conveyed by Firli in response to the polemic of the Basarnas OTT which led to the arrest of the Head of Basarnas Marshal Henri Alfiandi and the Coordinator of the Kabasarnas Administration Lt. Col. Afri Budi Cahyanto.

"KPK has involved POM TNI from the start to take part in the case title up to the determination of the status of the case and legal status of the related parties," Firli said in a written statement quoted on Monday, July 31.

Firli said that his party also handed over the handling of Henri and Afri to the TNI. They only continue the process of handling cases involving private parties as bribers.

It is known, in the KPK press conference it was revealed that three private people were suspects. They are the President Commissioner of PT Multi Grafika Cipta Sejati Mulsunadi Gunawan, President Director of PT Intertekno Grafika Sejati Marilya, Managing Director of PT Kunu Abadi Utama Roni Aidil.

"So that all legal processes carried out by the KPK in this arrest activity are in accordance with the legal basis and applicable mechanisms," he said.

Furthermore, Firli also agrees that this polemic is his full responsibility and the other four leaders. "The entire process of investigation, investigation, prosecution of cases of alleged corruption that have been carried out by all KPK personnel as well as various anti-corruption prevention and education efforts," he said.

Similarly, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata also emphasized that the process of determining the suspect was followed by the TNI Puspom. "No one refuses or objectes to naming five people as suspects," he said in a written statement, Saturday, July 29.

The KPK also did not issue an investigation warrant (sprindik) against Henri or Afri, said Alexander. Although in substance there is sufficient evidence, the TNI will be tasked with issuing the letter.

Previously, the anti-corruption commission named Henri, who served as Kabasarnas and his subordinate, Afri, as a suspect in receiving bribes. He is suspected of reaping a fee known as command funds of up to Rp88.3 billion.

The money was pocketed by a private party who wanted to work on projects at his institution from 2021-2023. The receipt was made through Afri.

Apart from Henri and Afri, the anti-corruption commission also determined three private parties who gave money during the silent operation. They are the President Commissioner of PT Multi Grafika Cipta Sejati Mulsunadi Gunawan, President Director of PT Intertekno Grafika Sejati Marilya, Managing Director of PT Kuntung Abadi Utama Roni Aidil.

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