
JAKARTA - The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya Sugiarto, felt uneasy with the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, who seemed stubborn because he did not want to follow the medical treatment according to the COVID-19 protocol at the Bogor Ummi Hospital.

Bima's response was seen in Bima's response to Rizieq who refused to do another swab test. As the leader of the area where Rizieq is being treated, Bima does not want the task of the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force to be missed because he is not allowed to know the results of Rizieq's previous swab.

In fact, currently Bima is reprimanding the Bogor Ummi Hospital and threatening to take legal action with articles obstructing the work of the government which is trying to control the COVID-19 pandemic in Bogor City.

What is Bima Arya's background that made him seem so eager to maintain health control in Bogor City? What made Bima Arya the Mayor of Bogor for two terms?

Having a father as a police officer does not make Bima Arya Sugiarto continue his career path as a law enforcement officer. He prefers to be on the political path that led him to become the current Mayor of Bogor.

Bima Arya Biography

Bima Arya was born in Bogor, West Java, on December 17, 1972. The first of three siblings graduated from SDN Police IV Bogor, Bogor 1 Junior High School, and Bogor 1 High School.

Bima's interest in politics can be seen in his higher education. Bima graduated as a Bachelor of Political Science, International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Parahyangan Catholic University in 1996.

While on campus, Bima ran the organization as Deputy Chair of the International Relations Student Association (HIMAHI), Chair of II of the FISIP Student Senate and the Working Body of the HI Indonesia Student Forum Secretariat.

Bima was also the Chairperson of the VII National Meeting Committee for International Relations Students in Indonesia (PNMHII) at the Asia Africa Building, Bandung.

"In 1998, Bima Arya was one of the declarators for the establishment of PAN. At that time he was the Secretary of the DPD PAN City of Bandung in 1998-2000 ..

He continued his education and received a Master of Arts degree, Development Studies at Monash University Melbourne Australia in 1998, then a Doctor of Political Science, Australian National University Canberra Australia in 2008.

Bima's father, Toni Sugiarto, is also known by the people because he was the founder of the Bogoriensis Association which was founded along with other Bogor figures. Toni Sugiarto became Chairman of the Bogoriensis Association in 1993-1997.

This is where in the footsteps of his father Bima followed. Bima became the Chairman of the Bogoriensis Association from 2011 to 2016.

Furthermore, Bima Arya's struggle in the world of politics was increasingly radiated when Bima became one of the declarators of the establishment of the PAN in 1998. Currently, Bima is the Chair of the DPP for Political and Communication Affairs.


Bima Arya's profile

Full name Bima Arya Sugiarto

Nickname Bima Arya

Place and Date of Birth of Paledang, Bogor, 17 December 1972


The Political Profession

Doctoral Degree in Political Science

Couple Yane Ardian, SE.

Children Kinaura Maisha, Kenatra Mahesha__________

Formal education

1985: SDN 4 Police Bogor 1988: SMPN 1 Bogor1991: SMAN 1 Bogor 1996: Bachelor of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, 1998: Master of Arts, Development Studies, Monash University Melbourne Australia 2006: Doctor of Political Science, Australian National University Canberra Australia

__________ Profession

1998-2001 Lecturer at FISIP Parahyangan University 2001- Lecturer at Paramadina University 2001-2002 Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Paramadina University 2004-2006 Researcher at Research School for Pacific and Asian Studies, Canberra. 2006-2010 Executive Director of the Paramadina Lead Institute 2007-2008 Consultant in Partnership for Governance Reform , UNDP 2008-2010 Executive Director of Charta Politika Indonesia 2009-2010 Editor in Chief of Majalah Rakyat Merdeka2010 Postgraduate Lecturer at Paramadina University2010 - Commissioner of Charta Politika Indonesia

Organization and Leadership

1992-1993 Deputy Chairperson of HIMAHI FISIP Unpar1993-1994 Chairperson of the Unpar FISIP Senate1993-1995 Youth Department of the Bogoriensis Association 1998-2000 Executive Director of Anti-Narcotics Community Solidarity (SMART) 1998-2000 Deputy Secretary of the DPD PAN City of Bandung 2002-2004 President of the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) Australia 2009 -2012 Chairman of the Bogor Smansa Alumni Association 2010-2015 Chairperson of the Indonesian National Police (KBPPP) 2010-2015 Chairman of the Gen A Board of Trustees 2010-2015 Chairman of the National Mandate Party DPP 2011-2016 Chairman of the Bogor Association of 2013-2018 Chairman of the DPP Matara ( Matahari Nusantara)

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