
NUSA Dua - Perum Bulog also underlined the important role of innovation and resilience in facing global challenges related to rice production at the Indonesia International Rice Conference (IIRIC) 2024 event in Nusa Dua Bali on 19-21 September 2024.

The event was attended by players in the eradication industry from 16 countries, namely Indonesia, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Philipines, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, India, Thailand, and Cambodia.

Furthermore, United Arab Emirates, Lao peoples democratic, Myanmar, South africa, Republic of korea, Malaysia, China and Timor Leste.

Director of Transformation and Institutional Relations of Bulog Sonya Mamoriska Harahap said that the IIRC also discussed important issues, such as climate change, economic disruption and geopolitical tensions that complicate the landscape of rice production and distribution.

"Resilience in this context means more than survival, this means being able to survive in the midst of difficulties by developing and implementing innovative solutions that can maintain rice production in facing this global challenge", said Sonya at the Indonesia International Rice Conference (IIIRC) 2024 event, Thursday, September 19.

Sonya explained that these interrelated challenges made an urgent need for a resilient and adaptive rice production approach.

"We must realize that traditional agricultural and distribution methods may no longer be adequate in dealing with this growing threat," he said.

Sonya revealed the importance of collaboration between the government, the private sector, and the local community in developing technological innovations such as sensors, drones, and data analysis.

According to Sonya, innovation can optimize the use of resources and increase productivity while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Innovation is not only a matter of technology, but also about how to think and collaborate. All parties must develop an ecosystem that encourages a more resilient rice production system," he said.

To ensure the future of rice, he said, requires innovative, sustainable, and collaborative solutions that can help us overcome these global challenges.

"In this rice conference activity, we invite various parties, ranging from extortion industry players, government regulators to academics to discuss this issue comprehensively." he said.

On the same occasion, Country Director for Indonesia and Timor-Leste, East Asia and Pacific, World Bank Juli Turk said that rice commodities are commodities that meet the world's food needs, especially Indonesia.

"Through this conference, we can find solutions to make food and life sustainable," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Food Distribution and Reserves, the Indonesian National Food Agency, Rachmi Widiarini, said that in facing this global challenge, the National Food Agency also hopes to collaborate with each other between all players in the food industry, especially rice, to strengthen the relationship between each stakeholders.

"Hopefully the collaboration from BULOG with all its stakeholders can strengthen and through this conference can work together and formulate ideas to be able to face global challenges," he said.

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